2014 Winner Information (click here for other years)
Bourne Show Results 2014
Cup and Shield Award Winners 2014
Excerpt from the Domestic Judge's letter:
Bread: Pinch the edges of the dough to make a seam on the bottom and sides. Well displayed on bread boards.
Victoria Sandwich: Give a size i.e. 7" or 8". Cakes are always better displayed on doilies. Traditionally Victoria sandwich cakes are filled with raspberry jam and dusted with caster sugar. Rack marks on the base can be avoided by putting a tea towel on the rack before placing the cake on to cool.
Scones: Always use a plain cutter for plain scones. Exhibitors do check how many you need to show
- always better to take an extra one and remove rather than not take enough. When cutting press the cutter straight down without twisting and then lift straight off, avoid handling the dough and place on a baking tray without it flopping
- this will help them rise vertically and not slope. Ideally the judge would like to see round scones. Again better displayed on a doily. If just asked for scones there is no need to provide fillings as well
- this is more work for you and the judge will not take that into account as she's just interested in the scones themselves.
Raised Pie: What can I say - excellent. A wonderful class.
Dried fruit: This isn't something I come across very often so do keep it in the schedule as it's something a little different and hopefully it will become more popular again.
Preserves: Please make sure the full date is put on the label for show work
- this is especially important for curd.
A few pointers on the jars: Jars for show work should be new and plain. Lids should be new if screw top or preserves covered with a wax disc and cellophane (except for Chutneys which should be screw top). There is no need to put a wax disc on if you are using a screw top lid. Points can also be won for well presented jars
- clean and polished; label neat and straight.
Marmalade: Make sure the peel is soft before adding the sugar and test for set before potting.
General tips on curd: sieve on potting to get rid of any egg white and make sure there are no air bubbles. Curd needs to be covered with a wax disc and cellophane top.
Chutney needs to be kept for three months for the flavours to mature before exhibiting.