Minutes of the

Bourne Show AGM

held at

The Town Council Offices, South Street, Farnham

19th March 2008


1) Present       Hugh Batchelor, Robert Gale, Gill Keighley, Chris Smith, Les Walton, Steve Warnock

2) Apologies   Paul Hopwood, Pat Wilkinson, Sally Wooding, Graeme Young




Chairman’s Introduction


Steve Warnock welcomed members of the committee and guests.  He thanked all members of the committee


Finance Report


Hugh Batchelor presented a comprehensive finance report, a copy of which is attached.

The Chairman thanked Hugh for his report and the accounts were accepted.


Chairman’s Report


Steve thanked members of the committee for all their efforts.  He made a special thanks to Sue Bowness who recently left the committee for her outstanding contribution.

This year had seen the committee make record donations to charity including a greatly appreciated gift to Woodlarks for a laptop computer.

The 2007 Show had seen the worst weather for many years and yet despite this had still been a great success with plenty of people turning out, and a financial break-even.

The 2008 Party had also gone very smoothly with many individuals having expressed their thanks and gratitude.

This year had seen some potentially very helpful links with local similar events being forged.

The committee’s ability to continue to bring two (possibly three) very important community events to the Bourne was looking even stronger this year with a new sponsor and excellent support.


Election of Officers


Steve Warnock indicated that he wished to stand down as Chairman, and Robert Gale was proposed (SW) and seconded (CS) and elected unanimously.

No nominations for the post of Vice Chairman had been received.  It was agreed that Graeme Young would be asked whether he would be willing to put his name forward.

All other members had indicated their willingness to continue to be members of the committee, and were duly elected unanimously.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8pm


Date of next meeting

The next ordinary meeting of the committee will be on 30th April.