Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2007



Present:          PH, SW, LW, HB, CS, SJW, JH & SB


Apologies:     GK



SW took the Chair


Minutes of the Meeting of 22nd November were approved


Matters Arising:


Invitation Printing:       These had been completed and delivered by SW

                                    prior to Christmas.  SW reported that there had been

                                    three deaths since the revision of the list.



Disabled toilets:           There was no further news on this availability                                    PW


Fundraising goal:        This matter still had to be discussed in full committee


Uniforms:                     This matter was left to a future meeting


First Aid:                      This was still under discussion                                                            PH


Division of                   SB issued data collated from what she had received.

Responsibilities:          Others on the Cttee still had to send in information                            SB


Rosettes:                     Following SJW information on other rosette companies,                    SB

                                    SB had some information and would send for a catalogue.

                                    There were some rosettes over from the previous year,

                                    which meant the situation was not quite so financially critical


Finance:                      HB reported that there was £4,905.86 in the Reserve A/C,

                                    £417.15 in the Currant A/C and £41.30 Petty Cash.  The

                                    Alder Valley Brass Band had now been paid £225 and PH £62

for 2006.

                                    £17.50 had been paid for the lottery licence; £40 deposit

                                    to Kidsrome for the 2007 show.

                                    £216.51 had been spent on the January 2007 party

                                    Nothing further had been heard from the W.I.


Show 2007                  There was still no confirmation on the attendance by Alder

                                    Valley Brass Band.  SW would try alternative sources                       SW

                                    SJW had checked with Kneller Hall but found the cost of

                                    a band from there was prohibitive.


                                    The Parish Office was to be contacted in writing to book

                                    St. Martin’s Church for the Friday afternoon through to

                                    Saturday evening.                                                                               CS


                                    Punch & Judy had still to be confirmed                                        PW/HB


                                    A title for the Photography Section had been asked for

                                    and HB proposed ‘The Bourne at Play’.  This was thought

                                    an excellent suggestion                                                                 HB/GY


                                    A replacement for Alan Hunt had to be sought                                   LW


                                    Inchcape Toyota had been approached and vibes were

                                    positive for 2007 sponsorship                                                             LW



The Party 2007           Saturday 20th January 2007.  St. Joan’s Hall

                                    CS to contact Pat Atkinson, the Bookings Secretary, to

                                    check on the availability of china and the time we

                                    could get into the hall to prepare.  11am if possible.                           CS

                                    LW would obtain the key, using the new arrangements                     LW

                                    Everything else listed at the last meeting was confirmed

                                    A programme of the entertainment would be produced                      LW

                                                2.30-3.00                     Cup of Tea

                                                3.00                             Brian and Nikki Cotterill

                                                3.30                             Irish Dancers

                                                Thereafter                   Bingo


                                                                                    Afternoon tea



                                                5.30                             END


                                    Transport to and from the party would be provided where

                                    necessary                                                                                            SW


                                    Table decorations.  Sheelagh Greentree is away.  PW

                                    would be asked to supply her candles as 2006                                  PW


                                    CS issued reminders about the catering and each                             CS

                                    Committee member was asked to supply a home made

                                    ‘goodie’ as per the slip issued.  Colin Skingle, winner of

                                    2006 Domestic section, would be asked to supply a

                                    slab fruit cake.                                                                                     SB



Annual General           It was proposed to book the Mayor’s Parlour for Tuesday

Meeting:                      20th March or Tuesday 13th March for 8 pm                                        CS

                                    A table for 20/22 would be booked at Zizzi’s afterwards



Any Other                    JH tendered her resignation as she had taken on more

Business                     commitments with the skiing for the disabled.  She will

                                    organise the advertising for the programme this year and

                                    help on the show weekend.


                                    SB reminded everyone that her role as minute secretary

                                    was temporary and a replacement should be sought.