Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday16th April 2007



Present:          LW, HB, CS, SJW, GK, SBW


Apologies:     SB, PH, GY



Minutes of the Meeting of 16th April were approved


Matters Arising:



Disabled toilets:           There was no further news on availability                                           PW


Fundraising goal:        LW raised concerns that the suggested fund raising goal may

be unconstitutional. Proposals for donations from the 2006 surplus to be discussed at the next meeting.


Uniforms:                     This matter was left to a future meeting


First Aid:                      Post meeting: PH advised St John’s vehicle is not available.                                                


Division of                   No new information                                                                             SB



Rosettes:                     SB has ordered new rosettes for the dog show at a lower cost

than last year. SBW has sufficient stock of old rosettes for the children’s races


Finance:                      HB reported that there was £4,955.12 in the Reserve A/C,

                                    £297.75 in the Current A/C and £33.50 in Petty Cash.

                                    St Joan’s have not yet cashed hall booking cheque.



Show 2007                  There was still no confirmation on  attendance by Alder

                                    Valley Brass Band. 

                                    Post meeting:  Alder Valley have confirmed their availability for 2007



                                    The Parish Office has been contacted  to book

                                    St. Martin’s Church for the Friday afternoon through to

                                    Saturday evening.                                                                              


                                    Punch & Judy had still to be confirmed                                        PW/HB


                                    A replacement for Alan Hunt has to be sought.                                 

                                    SBW to ask Mike Suter to do this task.                                            SBW


                                    There appears to be some doubt over Inchcape Toyota

Sponsorship LW  to check with local Inchcape management             LW                       


                                    Programme  Printing:  LW to check with Pippa Goscomb.                 CS

                                    CS to call Jill Halliday about advertising.


                                    Silent Auction : all committee members to look for potential  silent

auction and Grand Draw items.                                                          ALL


Morris Dancers: SBW confirmed Cuphill Morris will attend this              

years show and perform 2 sets of dances.


                                    Stall Pricing : it was agreed that stall pricing should remain as

2006    but that a letter requesting donations should be sent to

charity stalls on the day of the show.                                                SBW


Exhibition / competition entries: it was agreed that adult entry

Fees should be 20p with £1.00 / 60p /40p prizes for class winners.


Teas for Car Club: it was agreed that tea vouchers should be

restricted to one voucher  per car



Party 2008                   Date confirmed as 19th Jan 2008.

                                    GK to book St Joan’s Hall assuming it is available                             GK


Any Other Business    Post of vice-chairman remains vacant.


New Committee Members: suggestions for new members

are needed.                                                                                       ALL


SBW advised that tables will not be available from Woodlarks

 in future as their trestles have been destroyed.

SBW to approach South Farnham and / or Weydon Schools forreplacements. Post Meeting: 10 tables may be available via the Scouts, storage venue required.                                                     SBW


Next Meeting               8.00pm on Monday 21st May at GK’s house