Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 21st May 2007




Present:          SW, LW, HB, PW,GK, RG, PH, SB


Apologies:     SJW, GY


SW took the Chair


Minutes of the Meeting of 16th April were approved with the following


a)               CS to contact St. Joan’s re: the party in January 2008

b)               LW printing


Matters Arising

PW had serious reservations about the decision made, in her absence,

at the previous meeting that only one tea and cake voucher should be

allocated to the Bean Club car entries.  After discussion, it was agreed

 that two vouchers should be issued, as had been customary.


Post of Vice-Chairman

RG had agreed to be nominated and this was proposed by LW, seconded

by SW and agreed by all present.


New Committee Members

No progress was reported on this


Disabled Toilets for the Show

No progress had been made on the hiring of a toilet.                                     PW     

Investigation would be made into facilities at the Cricket Pavilion                  PH/SW

and St. Martin’s Hall                                                                                        GK


First Aid

No progress – The St. John’s were unavailable.  SW and Carole Warnock

both hold First Aid Certificates and are on duty at the Show.  The

Information Tent would be used as the First Aid Post and in the event

of a difficulty, a tannoy message would alert them.  Dr. May would also

be attending the event but if he was to be used in a medical capacity, he

must be asked                                                                                                 GK


Division of Responsibilities

All the information had been received from committee members which

showed some doing a great deal and others almost nothing until the

actual day.  This would be rectified after this year’s show so that

responsibilities were more evenly distributed.                                    SW/SB



It was not fully confirmed but it looked probable that Alder Valley

Band would attend although numbers would be smaller                                SW


Punch & Judy

Attendance was still unconfirmed and sponsorship not confirmed                 HB/PW


Climbing Wall

This was verbally agreed and would be firmed up                                          PH/GY


Replacement for Alan Hunt – Carparking

Mike Suter had been suggested and this would be followed up                     SW


Inchcape Toyota Sponsorship

This had been confirmed but rumours that the garage might be

moving out of the Bourne have not been denied so we may need

to look for alternative sponsorship in 2008                                                     LW


Other sponsorship

Cannons have given vouchers again this year and would like a

presence at the Show offering blood pressure monitoring and

other checks.  This was considered a good idea and would be

followed up.                                                                                                     PW


The vouchers for the Grand Draw were given to                                            LW


It was agreed to write to Sir Ray Tindle                                                          LW


The ‘Bat & Ball’ had agreed to sponsor the Dog Show                                   SW


Programme Printing

Pippa Goscombe had agreed to arrange the printing of these.                      LW

PW to give assistance.  RG to submit the covers a.s.a.p. in                          PW/RG

conjunction with Jill Holliday who is progressing the advertising                    CS

This would include Posters and Schedules



Due to a chapter of accidents, there were no tables available from

Woodlarks or the Scouts this year.  This would mean a shortfall of

approx. 40 tables. 

Possible other lenders to be investigated -     TA headquarters                     PH

                                                                        Brambleton                              SB

                                                                        Hire                                         SW


Silent Auction

The following donations had been offered – Bicycles and Skis.

No other items or ideas had been forthcoming and it was agreed

to place a request in the Broadsheet via the Parish Office                             RG


A Show notice would be submitted for the Parish Magazine by

12th June                                                                                                         RG/LW


Financial Report

The Reserve Account now held £4,205.12p, the Current A/C

£521.75 and Petty Cash £33.50 – making a total of £4,760.37                      HB


£450 had been spent on Show Insurance, £11 to Farnham

Town Council for the hire of the room for the AGM and £61 for

the Party Hall Booking.  Rosettes would be paid for on delivery.


Two advertisements from 2006 (Master Cleaners and Morgans)

had still not been paid for (£45.50) and HB would consult with Jill

Holliday before chasing.                                                                                  HB


Allocation of 2006 Surplus

SW had received a letter from Woodlarks detailing their plans for

installing computers in each residents’ room.  A donation towards

this cost had been requested.  It was agreed to donate £500.                       HB/SW


PH had received a letter from a Guide, Emma Redman, in Puffin

Patrol with Bourne Guides.  She had been selected to join the

SW County Guiding trip to Switzerland and would appreciate help

with the cost.  It was agreed to donate £50.                                                   HB/PH


Stall Bookings

So far 11 charity stalls and 3 trade stalls had booked                        SW


Party 2008

CS had learned from Pat Atkinson, the Booking Officer for St. Joan’s

Hall, that the new hall at St. Joan’s Church would be ready for

the new year and the school hall would be returned to the school.

If we required the school hall, negotiations would have to be made with

the school, St. Polycarps.  PH agreed to check this.                                      PH


It was decided to make enquiries of South Farnham School to check

costs, availability and suitability.                                                                     RG


Bourne Show Checklist – additional to items on Agenda


Opener – it was decided to approach Denise Le Gal, newly elected

Councillor for the Bourne.  Carole Cockburn, the Town Mayor, was

unavailable.                                                                                                     RG


PA/MC – Peter Greenyer would be doing it this year.


Dog Show Judge – Lucy Hart would be approached                                    CS


Karting Kapers – to be checked out                                                              SW


Rubbish Clearance – to be organised and bin bags purchased                   PH


Ice Cream – Weydon School would organise                                    SW


Hedgehogs – would run a bric-a-brac stall this year                                     


Football – this would run as usual                                                                 PH/SW


Tennis – this was in hand                                                                              PH


Fruit Raffle – this would be run by Sally and Bill May


Fire Engine – still a possibility                                                                        PH


Face Painting – PW produced two possibilities. SW to investigate               SW



Plant Stall – Sue Goater would be approached to run this.  Rita

                        Batchelor would help                                                               PH


Cake Stall – SJW was willing to package cakes and the Committee

and wives/partners were requested to make.                                     SJW


Balloons – Gordon Watson wished to run a stall                                           SW


Water – it was agreed that some would be purchased for the

Committee but it was not viable for the general public without

facility to keep it cold.  A loss had been made in 2006.


Any Other Business

60th Year - As it was established that last year had been our 59th year,

we could make some publicity on the posters and in the programme

about this being the 60th year of the Show.                                                     LW


Activity in the Marquee – it was suggested that a potter/artist or

some such activity would give an interest in the marquee at timed

intervals during the afternoon.  It was agreed that this was a

possibility to be explored.                                                                                PH


Disquiet was expressed about the disparity between requests for

sponsorship for the show versus allocating surplus funds to good

causes after the show.

It was pointed out that the show had always been run to finance

the Christmas party for the elderly of the Bourne.  After this had

been run, any surplus monies could be given to local good causes.

However, as sponsorship was never guaranteed, there had to

be sufficient money in reserve to pay for any planned entertainments

such as the band, animal farm etc, as well as the marquee and any

other items that might have to be replaced through wear and tear.



Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 20th June at Graeme’s, 14 Longdown Road (Tel:718719)




