held at

The Town Council Offices, South Street, Farnham



Welcome:                    The Chairman, Paul Hopwood, welcomed members and guests to the meeting.


Present:                       Paul Hopwood (Chairman), Steve Warnock (Vice-Chairman)

                                    Les Walton (Past Chairman), Hugh Batchelor (Treasurer), Chris Smith (Show Secretary), Gill Keighley (Flower Show Secretary, Pat Wilkinson, Sally Wooding & Graeme Young

                                    (Committee) and Sue Bowness (Minute Secretary).


Apologies:                   Apologies were received from Jill Holliday and Robert Gale.


Minutes of 2006 AGM: These were taken as read and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:     HB presented a comprehensive report of the income and

                                    expenditure since 2006 AGM, including a breakdown of both

                                    the Show and the Party and a comparison of the years since 2003.  Each committee member had received a copy of these accounts which had been checked by an auditor.  The accounts showed a healthy balance.  A particular area of concern was that the sponsorship and donations in 2006 had been down on the previous year and the full cost of the marquee had been borne by the Show.


                                    HB was thanked for his diligence and the accounts were accepted.


Chairman’s Report:     PH thanked every member of the committee for their hard work over the previous year and for the particular support he had received.  He felt that the committee was a great team and had  much fun being involved with the Show.  There had been some new innovations in the Show, including the tennis tournament, the introduction of a cake stall, additional signage, collection of rubbish and a more organised entry system for the stall holders.  He found the additional setting up of the grounds on the Friday evening very helpful and the change of layout of the grounds had proved good.  All this had contributed to a great day.


                                    It was good that the Show raised sufficient funds to donate some to local charities and he felt this should be continued.


                                    PH had received a resignation from Jill Holliday.  He was very sorry to lose her from the committee and thanked her for her hard work.


                                    The Party too had been a great success and seemed to run smoothly.  CS confirmed that she had received many letters and ‘phone calls of thanks from the guests. 


                                    PH requested that he be allowed to retire from the Chairmanship because of pressures of work.


Election of Officers:     With the retirement of PH as Chairman, it was proposed that SW take the post.  This was proposed by GH and seconded by PW and carried unanimously.


                                    The position of Vice-Chairman remained vacant and RG would be approached.


                                    PH now takes the position of Past Chairman


                                    It had been proved that this was a most effective way of running the committee.


                                    The remaining members of the committee confirming their willingness to stand again, were duly elected.


Minute Secretary:        SB restated that she had undertaken this role on a temporary basis and a new Minute Secretary should be actively sought.


Any Other Business:   The committee members were each charged with the task of recruiting a new member thereby gaining fresh ideas and extending the interest in The Bourne.


The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.




The next ordinary committee meeting will be held at the home of Les Walton,

28A Vicarage Hill at 8 pm on MONDAY 16TH APRIL