Present: LW, HB, GK, PW, GY, CS, RG, SJW. In the absence of PH & SW, LW took the Chair
Apologies: PH, JH, SW
Minutes of the meeting held on 3RD October were accepted with the amendments of the incorrect date of this meeting and the spelling of Wurlitzer!
Matters Arising:
Programme printing CS had not yet received the printed invitations although the PW
format had been approved and printing agreed. PW to chase.
Disabled toilets Checking prices for hiring suitable toilets still ongoing PW
Fund raising goal Further discussion took place about having a definite focus
for any fundraising related to the Show. It was felt that
although a particular recipient might be identified, Promising
a specific sum to any charitable cause could present Difficulties.
Further discussion on this matter would be held when a full
committee was present.
A suggestion was made that in this 60th year of the Show,
a bench for the Green be purchased
Uniforms! GY could obtain polo shirts with motifs at £8 each. This
would be discussed again in 2007. GY/SW
First Aid PH had approached his contact at Weybridge who would
talk to the Farnham Branch of St. Johns. It was possible
that a mobile unit would be available. PH
Division of SB had now received most people list of responsibilities
Responsibilities relating to putting on the Show and would set these out
for the committee to discuss. SB
Rosettes SB still had to check prices at other firms. SB
Finance HB reported that there was £4,905 in the Reserve Account,
£1,016.16 in the Current Account and £41.30 petty cash.
The band had still not sent in their account and was being
chased SW
PH had a bill outstanding of approx. £60 PH
HB had spoken with the Treasurer of the WI about the £25
that had been donated to them by the Bean Car Club as
well as the Show paying the WI expenses. HB was waiting
to hear after the WI committee had discussed the matter. HB
Show 2007 The following had been booked for Saturday 21st July 2007
Cricket club LW
Marquee, at a cost of £1,017.84p, to be collected on Sunday
22nd July LW
The Alder Valley Band was holding an extraordinary
General meeting to decide its future and could not
confirm attendance at the Show in 2007. SW had
another contact to follow up. SW
SJW had a contact at Kneller Hall and would enquire
if a band from there was a possibility SJW
The Parish Office had been informed of the date of the CS
Show by letter. A telephone call would be made to
ensure that the Office had a note that St. Martin’s Church
was required all day for the Flower Arranging section
Wurlitzer – had been booked at a cost of £50 PW
Fun Fair - booked CS
Punch and Judy – booked verbally. HB to e-mail. PW/HB
Kidsrome, a mobile farm, had been booked. This would
cost £325 with a £40 deposit required in December. PW/HB
Flower Show – GK & SB had effected a handover and the
Judges were booked, the schedule was ready for the website
except for the Flower Arranging section which would be
organised by Joyce Lawson in January. GK
The Photography section would be organised by GY GY
Alan Hunt had telephoned LW that he was not available
for the Show this year. Another would have to be found
to take over his duties
Bourne Show Party Saturday 20th January 2007 at St. Joan’s Hall, Waverley Lane
Hall is booked GK
CS to telephone bookings secretary, Pat Atkinson to check on
availability of china and time of access on the Saturday.
Preferred time for setting up is 11 am. CS LW would obtain the key for the hall LW
Peter Greenyer and PA system booked LW
Alan Hunt, the tea maker, booked LW
Urns and teapots from WRVS courtesy of Nan Walton LW
China from WRVS and St. Martin’s if required LW
Prizes and gifts purchased GK/CS/PW
Banquetting roll and napkins purchased GK/CS/PW
Party Hats to be obtained through PW contact if poss. PW
Bunting PW
Entertainment – All confirmed
Irish dancers CS
Brian & Nikki Cotterill SB
Bingo callers (Yvonne Williams/Deirdre Leggett) SB
Piano (Caroline Gale) RG
Sketch (Alice Gale and Friends) RG
Back up entertainment – Rock Choir – not required RG
List of recipients of Party Invitations is now definitive and as
soon as the invitations are received, these can be sent out
170 invitations are required. CS
Transport for guests to be sorted at next meeting SW
Any other Business: SB has details of the Solent Dog Display Team if it is of interest. SB
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th January 2007 at Chris Smith’s, Oaks Cottage,
1 White Rose Way, Lower Bourne