Minutes of the Meeting


Held on Monday 5th June 2006



Present:           Paul Hopwood, Pat Wilkinson, Steve Warnock, Robert Gale, Chris Smith, Hugh Batchelor, Les Walton, Sally Wooding and Sue Bowness


Apologies:       Gill Keighley, Jill Holliday, Graeme Young


Previous Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting held on 15th May approved with the following amendment – Sally Wooding was present.


Finance:          HB had received £235.50 for advertising, £100 from Sir Ray Tindle and £45 for stalls.  The C/A now stood at £573.87p with the Reserve Account and petty cash remaining the same as at 15th May.


Matters Arising:  CS had spoken with the Mayor’s secretary who confirmed that the Mayor’s diary was free on 15th July.  CS would complete the necessary form and the Mayor would be asked to open the show and present cups and prizes at 3 pm.  Not all the cups or prizes could be awarded at this hour but it was felt that the majority could be.  Also the Mayor would be asked to make a presentation to Farnham District Scouts (see below)


                        LW reported that Inchcape Sponsorship was now in the hands of the new manager who appeared equally enthusiastic.  The money had not actually been received but at last conversation, Grand Draw prizes were also on offer.  LW would follow this up.


                        PH had not yet found time to add his signature to the list of cheque signatories


                        SW confirmed he would deal with the new cards for stallholders


                        HB volunteered to obtain 100 large bin bags to distribute to stallholders on entry ready for disposal of rubbish at the end of the day


                        SW confirmed that to date 12 charity stalls and 5 trade stalls had booked.  Discussion took place about adding another funfair type stall which had been seen at the Rowledge Village Fair.  It was felt that this was in competition with the original and it was decided not to go ahead


                        PH confirmed that the Skip Man was booked and aimed to give a cordoned off space near the Cricket Pavilion for rubbish to be dumped.  This would be for bin bags only.


                        It was considered appropriate for the Mayor to be asked to present a cheque at the show to the Farnham District Scouts and CS was asked to add this to the list for the Mayor.  HB and SW to organise


                        The laminated large sheets of the 2006 Schedule were now available and these would be put up on the Bourne School railings, the Bourne Club, outside the Bourne Shops and South Farnham school.  PH and Sally W to organise.


                        Air Cadets – PH had made contact but no reply had been established


                        St. John Ambulance – PH regretted the gentleman was already booked elsewhere


                        Tennis Tournament – PH had this in hand with Simon Harmer of the Bourne Club.  It is hoped that the Club will also offer a prize.  A notice will be put up on the Tennis Courts advertising the event for 13-16 yr. olds.  Tennis shoes/Trainers would be required – spare tennis racquets would be on hand for casual entrants. 


                        MC for the day – as Peter Greenyer was unable to do this, Roger Goscombe would be asked by LW.  LW would furnish Roger with a comprehensive list of the events of the day and what to promote.

                        It was confirmed that the PA system had been upgraded since last year


                        Sumo wrestling – PH has been unable to follow this up.  PW has a contact for Kick Boxing (Sebastian Jones) who would be willing to organise a demonstration of this martial art for 2007


                        Signage – The large banners for the Reservoir site and for the Tennis Courts need to be revised for the correct date (SW/LW) These should be in place 2/3 weeks before the show. PH was given permission to obtain additional signage for instructions to stall holders


                        Plant Stall – LW has asked Peter Greenyer for the name of a local nursery for plants and SB has asked her contact at the Farnham Gardening Club. Nothing definite has been promised.

                        HB and Rita will place an appeal in the Bourne Parish July Magazine.


                        Risk Assessment – these are still required for electrical supplies (PH) and the stalls and games (GY).  PH raised the problem of the electric cable running from the marquee to the cricket pavilion and it was decided to fix this overhead rather than leaving it trailing along the ground


Bourne Show Checklist

                        Each member was issued with the checklist, much of which had been discussed in ‘Matters Arising’


                        The following were additional items to be confirmed:


                        First Aid                                                                                   PH/SW

                        Programme – in hand – require Chairman’s letter                 LW/PH

                                    Waiting for Edgeborough advert                                 LW/RG

                        Dog Show – book Lucy Hart                                                  CS

                        Bouncy Castle/Ball Pool – Portico will sponsor –

                                    To be checked out                                                      SW

                        Tables – request those from Bourne Hall                               LW

                                    List of other sources to be given to CS                      LW

                        Grand Draw – prizes required –

                                    2 free months acquired by PW (given to HB)

                                    Dinner for two at Frensham Ponds ?                         LW

            Dinner for two at Bat and Ball  ?                                 SW

            Bourne Club Tennis Lesson ?                         PH

Sports  - Carole Warnock                                                       SW

Fruit Raffle – John and Jenny Over                                       LW

Fire Prevention Display – no confirmation                             PH

Maypole Dancing/Morris Dancing

            As the maypole dancing was no longer

            possible, Morris Dancing was considered

            as an alternative.                                                         CS

Fire Engine – no confirmation                                                            PH

Security – essential 2 people in marquee each night it

            is on the green                                                PH/SW/RG

Face Painting – possible contact                                            PH

Balloon Man – check if available                                            PW

Army Assault Course – no confirmation                                PH

Traffic Control – ‘Explorer’ Scouts need to be asked            SW

Helpers List – to be sent to committee for checking              CS



Bourne Show Party

                        Brian Cotterill and Nikki Sharkey had confirmed their availability

                        Lyn Dunlop of the Irish Dancers cannot commit until September


Any Other Business

                        Congratulations to RG on first class website              LW

                        More publicity needed in Information tent, etc. on

                                    how we spend the money raised                                PH

                        Removal of marquee on the Sunday – how will this

                                    affect the Church service                                           LW


Date of Next Meetings

                        Wednesday 21st June at Graeme Young’s

                        Thursday 6th July at Les Walton’s