Minutes of the Meeting


Held on Monday 15 May 2006


Present:        Robert Gale, Les Walton, Susan Bowness, Hugh Batchelor, Paul Hopwood, Jill Holliday, Gill Keighley, Steve Warnock, Graeme Young


Apologies:    Chris Smith


Previous Minutes:  The minutes of the meeting held on 6 April were accepted


Matters Arising:      HB raised the issue of the signatures required on cheques raised by the committee.  PH to take identification to the Bank in order to have his signature accepted for the cheques which will mean that there are now 4 approved signatories – LW, HB, GK and PH – with 2 needed on each cheque.

                        GK raised the issue of the minutes secretary as Rosemary Brown had declined to accept the post.  GK to continue to take minutes until a substitute can be found but only until the Show, perhaps SB will take over after the Show, but members to ask around for someone else to take on the role and join the committee.

                        Risk assessments completed – SW Flower Arranging

-                            SB Marquee

SW to correlate all risk assessment into same format.

GY to do risk assessment on stalls, games etc


Finance:        Current Account -   225.29             (monies to council paid out)

                        Reserve Account – 3872.44          (interest paid in)

                        Petty Cash                   33.50

                        Total                           4131.23

HB raised the issue of table hire for the stalls, which is to remain at £5, with charities paying nothing. 

Last year there had been a list of stallholders at the Information tent but it had been incomplete, giving rise to problems knowing where stalls were to be situated and who had already paid.  A sign – “All stallholders to report to Information Tent” needs to be made.  List of stall holders to include whether paid, if requiring a table and where to be situated.  Each stall holder to be issued then with a card on vivid paper to be tied to stall so we know if they have paid.  A bin bag to be given to all stall holders with this card to encourage them to use the skip at the end of the day.   A sign – “All bin bags to be put in the skip” to be made.

Someone to be in the information tent at all times with a comprehensive list and the tables to be next to the tent for distribution in exchange for money! 

1 charity and 4 trade stalls booked so far out of 50 invited.

Tables will be required from the Bourne Hall as there are fewer at Woodlarks and the Bourne School.  LW to obtain permission.

Several cheques were paid in by JH and SW.

Advertising raised £404 last year.  Copy deadline given by JH to advertisers is 24 May to allow her some time to chase.  PH to chase skips man for copy on his free ad.  SW to get copy from a man she knows who wants to have an advert in exchange for a £50 donation.

Programme copy – LW needs all copy by the end of May to set it up for printing and allow PW time to get it done.


Request for Donations:    2 letters had been brought to the meeting regarding donations to local organisations.  The Scouts had requested a donation to meet an £8,000 shortfall for building work to allow disabled access to the toilet and shower block at the campsite.  After much discussion £350 was agreed for this cause.

                        Weydon School Peru Adventure Expedition requested a donation to allow pupils to go to Peru to build mosquito screens and bathrooms.  It was agreed that we would give them £50 to buy the ice-cream/drinks for them to raise money running the ice-cream/drinks stall at the Bourne Show.


Bourne Show Party 2007:            SB has asked the Cotterills if they will perform for us, but has had no response yet.

                        CS to book Irish Dancers.

                        RG to ask Caroline to provide her usual entertainment


Bourne Show 2006:           Show costs about £2,500 to put on.  Income is about £3,500 excluding sponsorship.  Party costs between £500-700.

                        Sponsorship is not confirmed from Inchcape as the Manager has left without leaving any information.  LW to discuss with new manager when he arrives.  If sponsorship is not forthcoming SW to check with Mill Lane Renault or JH with Customer Transformations.  LW to give Inchcape to the end of the week to get back to us as we urgently need to get sponsorship confirmed.

                        Bat & Ball pub will probably sponsor Dog Show and give a meal for the Grand Draw.

                        CS to draw up show checklist for next meeting and send to committee.

                        CS to book Mayor as opener for Show as Jeremy Hunt is unable to do it.

                        SW to enlarge schedule and laminate it to put on railings at school etc. now it is finished.  Flyers were sent out in the local papers.

                        PH has problems with the amount of Bourne Show materials that are stored in his garage as he has to move out of his house for building work,  This will need to be shared amongst the committee,

                        PH to contact the ATC to see if they would put anything on the Green such as an assault course.

                        PH to contact the man he knows at St John Ambulance to see if they will attend on Show day and provide out first aid cover.

                        Tennis Tournament – format is not confirmed yet but PH is talking with the Bourne Club to see if they will provide a prize for the winner in exchange for advertising their coaching etc.

                        LW to contact Sir Ray Tindle to ask for sponsorship and for him to bring a classic car.

                        LW reported that the banner has been booked at the reservoir site.

                        Bourne Players propose to do face painting at the Show – they do this at their own risk, on their insurance and make sure that parents approve.

                        Peter Greenyer will not be available to be MC again this year – Roger Goscombe to be asked to do this again.

                        CS to book Lucy Harte to judge the Dog Show.

                        PH to check out the costs, supervision and insurance for having the Sumo Wrestling at the Show

                        The wording on several signs needs to be altered as well as new ones made.

                        Marquee security – committee to consider that 2 nights sleeping in the marquee are required to make sure it is not damaged like last year.

                        Plant Stall – Sue Goater is willing to help again, but Lenka will not be providing any plants this year.  LW to check with Peter Greenyer about his contact with a local Nursery to see if they would be willing to give us some plants.  SB to ask Farnham Gardening Club.  Perhaps a notice could go into the Parish Magazine for donations of plants, and possibly nice pots too.

                        Photographic competition – GY to organise rather than SB.  SW and PH to bring in boards as last year for display.

                        PW to do risk assessment on car parking and classic cars.

                        PH to do risk assessment on electrical supplies.


Date of Next Meeting:        This is to be held on Monday 5 June at Hugh Batchelor’s house at 8.00 pm