Minutes of the Meeting
Held on Wednesday 4 January 2006
Present: Les Walton, Jill Holliday, Robert Gale, Hugh Batchelor, Chris Smith, Graeme Young, Pat Wilkinson, Gill Keighley, Steve Warnock
Apologies: Sue Bowness, Sally Wooding
Previous Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 November 2005 were accepted.
Matters Arising: The Marquee has been ordered from Carters at a cost of £980.83 including VAT and insurance. LW to clarify what the excess is for the insurance policy. The marquee is to be cleared away by 12 noon on Sunday, which means that St Martin’s can use it for a service on Sunday morning if they would like to. Peter Greenyer has been advised that the PA system needs to be improved and this is in hand. Matters arising about insurance will be discussed later in the minutes. LW still to book Gostrey Bus and ask Sheelagh Greentree to do the table decorations for the party. Alan Hunt will do tea duty at the party. Peter Greenyer will be there to install the PA and be host for the afternoon.
Finance: Current Account £ 339.33
Reserve Account £4042.56
Petty Cash 37.31
Total £4419.20
Since the last meeting advertising money has been received (£119) and money paid out to the Waverley Borough Council (£17.50), Party expenses (£161) and Hall hire (£60).
JH gave in the Church’s contribution for marquee hire @£180 and thanks to JH for negotiating a very difficult situation.
We are in a strong financial position and need to ensure sponsorship to maintain that. LW to talk to Inchcape Toyota regarding 2006 sponsorship, but JH mentioned that Customer Transformations were also keen to be main sponsor instead and could be our fallback sponsor.
Bourne Show 2006: Saturday 15 July
SB had sent a report stating that the judges for the domestic, flowers and fruit sections had been appointed. Joyce Lawson has agreed to organise the flower arranging competition. Further discussion was needed to decide whether we were going to have a competition or exhibition in the arts and crafts section as there were a lot of people in the Bourne who were not prepared to compete but would exhibit. It was suggested that the number of categories were narrowed in the competition and have more ‘catch-all categories’, as well as an exhibition. The separation of the school exhibition from the children’s competition had worked well in 2005 and SB to ask the Ridgway School if they would like to exhibit in 2006 alongside the Bourne School.
SB felt that she would be unable to continue as Flower Show Secretary now that she lives outside the Bourne and is prepared to run the Show with someone else this year as a handover. GK is willing to take on this role, but only after giving up the Secretary role, as there was too much work involved.
The Parish Office has been informed of the date of the Show, but GK to write and confirm to formally book the use of St Martin’s Church.
Insurance: After the major discussion at the last meeting GY had done a lot of work to find out where we would stand and what sort of insurance we really should have. Please read separate Sheet with his recommendations. It was felt that warning signs should be put up to prove that some precautions had been taken to inform the public of potential hazards. LW has a neighbour who is a solicitor and he is prepared to talk informally to a group of committee members and give us some pointers as to the sort of insurance cove r we should endeavour to get. Our previous insurance policy did not give indemnity to committee members and this might be possible to add to the cover, for example. LW, GY and HB to meet within the next 2 weeks.
Bourne Show Party 2006: SW reported that we are low on drivers for transporting guests to and from the party. Committee to think of possible people we could ask. PW offered some party hats she has access to for the party, and this was accepted. PW to ask Michael Buckridge to take some photographs at the party to use on the website and in the Show. Carol Warnock has offered the services of 9 youngsters at help at the party towards the end, which was accepted. The Party checklist was gone through and various committee members were asked to bring contributions to the party or to shop for several things. GK to coordinate food. All committee members to try to be at St Joan’s Hall at 11.30 am to help set up the hall.
Annual General Meeting: Several dates were suggested for this and GK has booked the Council Chambers at the Locality Office for 7.15 pm, to start at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 7 March 2006 for approximately 1 hour (@ £16 hire charge). LW and GK will be resigning from their posts and committee members to consider which position they would be willing to hold.
Committee to decide at the next meting where they would prefer to eat afterwards, with suggestions being Bon East, Prezzo etc and committee members to bring sample menus to next meeting.
Any Other Business: GY produced some statistics regarding salmonella in response to comments made regarding the possibility of and egg throwing competition at the Show in July. Anyone wishing to see these to contact GK!!
Date of Next Meeting: This is to be held on Wednesday 22 February at Les Walton’s house at 8.00 pm.