Present: PH, HB, GK, PW, GY, SW, CS, RG
Apologies: JH, LW, SJW
Minutes of the meeting held on 24th July were accepted
Matters Arising:
Programme printing PW had been assured that Stays’s were still willing to print the programmes but this would have to be checked nearer the time. PW
Disabled toilets Neither the Cricket Club nor St. Martin’s has this provision and
it was agreed to check prices for hiring PW
Fund raising goal After much discussion, it was agreed that a definite target
for 2007 for our fund raising might be introduced for our 60th year
which is in 2007. Local charities would be approached
requesting them to identify a specific need for which they
require financial help. The committee would then select one
charity for support in the current year. This specific target would
then be publicised in the programme. SW
This would be in addition to financing some free facilities for
children at the show and upgrading the old folks’ party.
Main sponsorship It was hoped to involve the sponsorship offered to JH by
Suggesting a specific activity for children e.g. a Farm
or Wirlitzer both of which PW had seen at other shows.
Prices and availability to be researched. PW
Uniforms! The men were in favour of a polo shirt with a motif. The
ladies were not. Prices and colour swatches would be
obtained. GY/SW
Additional items discussed – not on agenda
First Aid St. John’s would be approached through PH contact PH
Division of It was felt that the responsibilities for setting up the show
Responsibilities were not evenly distributed amongst the committee
members. It was agreed that each member would e-mail into
SB their particular roles and details of the work involved
This would be collated and discussed at the next meeting. SB
e-mail –
Rosettes Dismay had been expressed about the proposal to replace
rosettes with badges or sweets. A cheaper source for
rosettes would be sought. SB
Friday set up This had been very helpful and reduced the panic on
Saturday morning
H&S On the whole this had worked well although there had been
an issue with a guy rope – red and white tape was the
answer. Other assets mentioned were road pins and
cable ties. SW
Finance HB reported that there was £4,887.92 in the Reserve Account, £1,059.16
in the Current Account and £41.30 petty cash.
The band had still not sent in their account – to be chased SW
PH had a bill outstanding of approx. £60 PH
There was confusion about the W.I. payment
The silent auction had raised £226 and should be repeated in 2007
Show 2007 The following had been booked for Saturday 21st July 2007
Cricket club LW
Marquee LW
Band SW
The following to be booked
St. Martin’s church (to avoid conflict with a wedding) the
Parish office, 2 Middle Avenue should be informed CS
Wirlitzer PW
Fun Fair CS
Punch and Judy PW
Flower Show – GK & SB to effect a handover GK/SB
Bourne Show Party Saturday 20th January 2007 at St. Joan’s Hall, Waverley Lane
Hall is booked GK
Invitations to be sent a.s.a.p. Lists of possible recipients
to be checked by clergy and WRVS (Nan Walton) GK/CS
Invitations to be rewritten and duplicated PW
Entertainment – Irish dancers CS
Brian & Nikki Cotterill SB
Bingo callers (Yvonne Williams/Deirdre Leggett) SB
Piano (Caroline Gale) RG
Sketch (Alice Gale and Friends) RG
Compere (Peter Greenyer) PH
Prizes and gifts GK/PW/CS
PA System PH
Tea (Alan Hunt) PH
Back up entertainment – Rock Choir RG
Any other Business A letter had been received from Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler with some
suggestions about the Flower Show in the Marquee. PH was
asked to write thanking them. PH
Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 18th November 2006 at 8 pm at ‘Swampscott’,
Oast House Lane, Hale – Tel: 01252-714363.
(A map is attached – please car share if possible and/or park in
Oast House Crescent and walk down to house. Many thanks –
hope it isn’t raining!)