Minutes of the de-brief Meeting


Held on Monday 24 July 2006


Present:                    Les Walton, Steve Warnock, Pat Wilkinson, Hugh Batchelor, Sue Bowness, Gill Keighley, Paul Hopwood, Graeme Young, Jill Holliday, Chris Smith, Sally Wooding


Apologies:                Robert Gale



·         The Chairman thanked the committee for all their hard work put into making such a good show again in 2006, with lots of people attending and lots of comments on the success of the show.

·         Bean Car Club – had a good turnout and raised enough money to give a donation of £25 to the WI for teas.  If the numbers continue to grow we may need to limit the cars or on invitation only.

·         A letter from Sir Ray Tindle had been received apologising for not attending with his car, but the car was in serious need of lots of work.

·         Alan Hunt to be thanked for doing such a good job of organising the car parking again.  PH.

·         It was suggested that getting the programme out earlier would be advantageous, or at least the schedule.  The programme would not be as up to date if it were produced earlier.  SJW suggested a schedule flyer be available ion the shops from the end of March, with the entry form still being in the programme available at a later date, say 6 weeks before the Show  If enough publicity were given to the flyer the local people would be aware of categories for entry well in advance. 

·         This flyer could ask for donations for committee stalls such as plants, cakes, Grand Draw etc, with a phone number to ring to let us know to expect them.

·         There had been an anomaly between the programme and the website this year.

·         Printing of the programmes could be a problem in 2007 as PW was leaving her job. Her company has said they will print but she will not be there to see it through.

·         A deadline for advertising copy was set at the end of April, allowing time for set up and printing to be available in the shops by 9 /June 2007.

·         2007 SHOW ON SATURDAY 21 JULY.

·         500 flyers were put into newspapers to be delivered this year, but the target audience would need to be addressed through sales of the Herald in the shop as well.

·         See attached preliminary finance breakdown for Show.

·         Money still due in from advertising, Hedgehogs silent auction table etc but some still to be paid out to people like the Band.

·         Increase in money taken from trade stalls this year, but sponsorship down.  Programme takings about the same as last year.  Fruit basket up, plants down, cakes a good income earner.  Water sales covered costs.

·         Increased signage for committee stalls was suggested as well as signs out on the A287 and a banner about the Grand Draw to be put up at the shops when selling tickets.

·         PH to make a noticeboard for the Tennis Court fence with information about the Show such as dates, times, schedule etc.

·         Dog Show entries to be put up to 50p per class to raise funds and try to keep classes running to time as the over run clashed with the Punch & Judy.  Pre-registering of Dog Show entries could be put in the programme to begin at 1.45 pm, as well as for football.

·         Football ran at a loss but the Tennis was successful.  It was suggested that the tennis not be played in games but in tie-breaks to speed things up.  The Bourne Club ran the tournament and provided prizes.  PH to thank.

·         Childrens race sweets were provided by the Scouts this year.  It was suggested that the children get something other than rosettes as they are so expensive now.

·         A complaint was received about the lack of disabled toilet, and St Martin’s toilet was locked.  LW to investigate whether this is a disabled toilet or whether we need to look at providing this.

·         Presentation of the cups was to early at 3.00 pm and made things mudled – it needs to be at 4.30 pm as in past years.  Best in Show money was inadvertently not given out, SB to rectify but to be abolished for future years and not mentioned in the programme.

·         Risk assessment file was not in information tent and no-one walked the grounds as agreed.  This needs to be an allocated job for 2 people and needs to be done at about 1.30 pm.  Risk assessment folder from SJW computer to RG for putting on website.

·         Setting up on  Friday evening made life a lot easier on Saturday morning, therefore a rota for jobs then to be drawn up for next year.

·         The mini football rubbed out the lines drawn for the childrens races, this to be re-sited for next year and discussed again as well as football for older children.

·         The photographs were an interesting addition to the show and the winner has been put on the website.  Lots of photos and a report were sent to the Herald but were not in last week.

·         It was suggested that we have a fund-raising goal apart from the party.  To be discussed later.

·         JH had received an offer of main sponsorship last year and this to be followed up in 2007 by asking them to sponsor something specific.

·         Thanks were received from St Joan’s, Hedgehogs, RNLI, Parish Fund and Scouts, with takings down for most of them.

·         The flow of people on the green worked better with the amended layout.

·         It was suggested that the committee be identifiable by uniform etc and this to be discussed later.

·         It was agreed SW to purchase 4 additional gazebos for use around the green.  2 people fell over guy ropes for these and notices were attached.

·         All stall hodlers held public liability insurance and sent them in when booking, so the system worked well. 

·         Information needs to be put in programme about where you can obtain a form to become a stallholder.

·         A sign fell off near St Martin’s narrowly missing someone – we must purchase extra cable ties and about 20 more road pins.

·         Bunting at the tope end of the green looked attractive.

·         Committee members to thank helpers they enlisted.

·         Band were not happy about their new position as it was not in the shade, but it worked better for the flow of people around the green.



Date of the Next Meeting: This to be held on Tuesday 3 October at Paul Hopwood’s new house – Hindfield, Shrubs Lane, off the Avenue at 8.00 pm