Minutes of the Meeting
Held on Wednesday 21 June 2006
Present: Graeme Young, Les Walton, Paul Hopwood, Sally Wooding, Gill
Keighley, Sue Bowness, Chris Smith, Jill Holliday, Hugh Batchelor, Pat Wilkinson, Robert Gale, Steve Warnock
Apologies: None
Previous Minutes: These were accepted
Matters Arising: Opener CS confirmed that the Mayor was opening the Show and would park at GKs house. Councillor David Atfield.
Inchcape - LW had no further news
Signature PH had not actioned this
Stallholders SW confirmed that we had bookings from 8 trade and 21 charity stalls
Air Cadets PH had no further news
Tennis PH had been to a meeting with the Bourne Club and they were happy to run the tournament and donate a prize. Little information about it in the programme as not known at the time of printing so details must be put up on the courts and at the club. PH to action via SJW
MC LW still to action
Kick Boxing PW confirmed that her contact was booked for this year but might be available for demonstration in 2007. Contact Sebastian Jones of 17 Old Frensham Road
Signage PH to action this week. LW to put one up at reservoir site on 1 July.
Plant Stall - Rita Batchelor had tried for plants with no success. Forest Lodge Garden Centre had nothing to offer, but a plant for a prize. CS to write and ask. Peter Greenyer had not been able to come up with plants either. Farnham Gardening Club may bring some on the day but we wont know how many. A plea for donations will appear in the Parish magazine in July and in the broadsheet. All committee to bring what they can and ask friends. PH to put up a notice on the tennis courts asking for donations on the day. SJW suggested a cake stall adjacent to the plant stall in order to boost takings. Committee to ask around for donations and to bring them on the day or to GKs house on 13/14 July to be wrapped beautifully by SJW.
Risk Assessment some had been handed to SJW for collation and would be put in a folder to be held in the information tent on the day. PH to action his risk assessment. On Show day 2 people to walk the green checking off against risk assessments, which can be used for future shows.
Show Checklist: This was updated.
First Aid cover to be available from Carol Warnock, SW, JH on the day. SW to negotiate getting a bouncy castle, climbing wall and first aid @ £100 from a new local company if they are available.
Ball Pool SW had found his details and had left a message but had no news.
Fire Engine none were available.
Traffic Control Scouts confirmed and Alan Hunt.
Sumo Wrestlers not coming.
Programmes after some confusion regarding the covers, these were available to be collated and should be in the shops very soon.
Tables these had been ordered and the key to be collected Friday evening.
Grand Draw - £100 cash prize decided
Plant from Forest Lodge
2 tickets from Farnham Repertory Company
2 months membership from Cannons for 2 people
4 bottles of wine from Warren Crawford
Tennis Lesson from coach at Bourne Club
£10 meat voucher from Ridgway butchers
Golf round with Andre
Sailing lesson at Frensham Pond
Voucher from Hairstop
Still to be confirmed Inchcape prizes
Bat & Ball meal voucher
Tickets to be printed with Chairmans name as promoter.
A rota to be drawn up for selling tickets at the newsagents on the weekend of 8/9 July. PH to action
Morris Men The local band were booked for this year and would need to be booked in January for 2007. A discussion took place about having a dance theme for 2007 with a variety of dancers demonstrating through the afternoon, eg Irish Dancers, clog dancing, Morris men, ballet from the Bourne Hall, line dancing etc in a specific area.
PA system LW confirmed that a simpler version had been tried last year to save time, but this would not be in use for 2006 as it was ineffective.
Helpers list committee members to update it with contact numbers and email addresses if possible to make contacting people easier in future. NEW helpers would be very useful.
Photographic competition GY to organise and contact local societies for contributions. GY to organise voting competition.
Posters LW distributed these for display around the area.
Bourne Show Party 2007: This was not discussed
Any Other Business: More publicity to be put up in the information tent about what we spend our profits on with photos of events such as the party, new toilet block scout hut improvements, Peru expedition, Woodlarks etc. SW to organise
HB to look up a list of what we have been involved with I the past
SW to collect shelves from George Freeman on Friday evening
Cups are to be given out at 3.00 pm but we would want them to be available for display until 5.30 pm before they were taken home.
The programme should have been out earlier as the schedule was available much earlier this year. We should have been asking people earlier for help on the day as volunteers and also as attractions such as the dancers, kick boxing, fire engines etc.
For future years it would be much more effective to allocate tasks to particular committee members earlier in the year and all contact information would be useful in a file.
Committee members were reminded that the website has past minutes etc in a separate private section.
Date of Next Meeting: This is to be held at LWs house on 6 July at 8.00 pm.