Tuesday 7 March 2006
In the Council Chambers
Present: Les Walton, Gill Keighley, Susan Bowness, Steve Warnock, Graeme Young, Chris Smith, Hugh Batchelor, Pat Wilkinson, Robert Gale, Paul Hopwood, Nan Walton, Alan Bowness, Jeff Keighley, Rita Batchelor
Apologies: Jill Holliday
Minutes of Previous AGM: The Minutes for the AGM held on 8 March 2005 were accepted
Treasurer’s Report : The last financial year was over a period of 17 months due to the change in date of the AGM in order to bring the Show and Party within the same financial year. The donations, sponsors and advertising raised for the 2005 Show equalled the cost of putting on the Show and were well in excess of what had been achieved for the 2004 Show. Charity stalls income was up on last year, but down on 2 years ago and therefore charges would perhaps merit some attention for 2006, although note must be made of the savings we make from some of the charities by using their tables rather than hiring them. A very encouraging profit was made at the Show in 2005 when compared to the loss made in the previous year or for some years past.
Chairman’s Report: Another successful Show was held in 2005 with good weather and very pleasing sponsorship levels from Inchcape Toyota and other regular supporters. Several new sponsors approached us, such as Sunseekers Estate Agents, Abigail Daykin & Co and the Bat and Ball Pub. Sunseekers offered £200 towards AA signage, and then paid for different signage which we had made for around the area at £250. Over 60 helpers were available during the afternoon to assist, and more are always needed. The Grand Draw was successful again, with 3 good prizes from Inchcape Toyota in addition to their sponsorship of the marquee.
There were 2 unfortunate incidents which somewhat marred the Show; damage to a car on display and vandalism of the marquee, but neither of these cost the committee anything. These incidents have served as a reminder of the risks entailed in putting on the Show and as a result our insurance is being closely examined for the next one.
The Party in January was well attended, with more guests then in previous years, which were all keen to join in a very colourful and lively afternoon. More photos were taken and there are now 80 on our website. 4 photos were sent to the Herald and they printed one of the Farnham Junior Operatic Society on the stage.
Les Walton, in his last report as Chairman, thanked the committee members for all their enthusiasm, support and high level of involvement in meetings during his period of Chairmanship and hoped for another successful year n 2006.
Changes to the Constitution: Some minor changes are required to appoint new officers this year.
Item 3 of the constitution needs amending to say that the AGM is now in March and a notice will be placed on a notice board within the Parish.
Item 4 amendment is from 13 residents of the Bourne to 13 members. The office of Chairman is now to be for 12 months unless the holder wishes to run for longer and that the Immediate Past Chairman, the Chairman and Vice Chairman will together oversee the work of the committee.
Item 8 amendment under Finance to read that the financial year is to end 28 February rather than October.
Election of Officers:
Paul Hopwood was proposed new Chairman by Gill Keighley and was elected with immediate effect.
Steve Warnock was proposed as Vice Chairman by Gill Keighley and was elected with immediate effect.
Gill Keighley was proposed as Flower Show Secretary by Pat Wilkinson and was elected, to take effect after the 2006 Show.
Chris Smith was proposed as Committee Secretary by Paul Hopwood and was elected with immediate effect
A post of Minute Secretary is to be created to alleviate the workload of the Secretary in due course
The remainder of the committee members were proposed to re-election by Steve Warnock and this was carried.
Any Other Business: There was none
Next Committee Meeting: This is to be held on 6 April at Paul Hopwood’s house at 8.00 pm.
The meeting closed at 8.00 pm