Minutes of the Meeting held on
Wednesday 7 September 2005
Present: Les Walton, Pat Wilkinson, Steve Warnock, Hugh Batchelor, Paul Hopwood, Gill Keighley, Chris Smith, Jill Holliday
Apologies: Sue Bowness, Robert Gale
Also from Gill Keighley for late arrival
Previous Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 6 July were accepted
Matters Arising: LW handed over a cheque for £100 from the Hedgehogs and read a nice letter complimenting us on a show well run!
Treasurer’s Report: HB distributed details of the income from the Show for information, showing that receipts from charity stalls were the same as last year, trade stalls income had risen, sponsorship was up too but advertising was down and the committee stalls gross takings were up on last year – leading to income of £3,704.14, compared to £2967.12 for 2004. (JH reported that not all advertising money had been received yet.)
Neither HB nor JH had received any feedback from the Parish about the donation for the use of the marquee on Saturday evening. It was felt to be very poor not to have replied at all, even if takings at the Barn Dance did not meet expectations. JH to chase this up, but we are not expecting any funds as they ran at a loss.
Following the damage done to the marquee on Sunday night/Monday morning, LW reported that he had yet to hear from Carters about costs to us regarding the insurance excess. Having reported the damage to Carters and the police, LW had phoned Carters some weeks later and was informed that there was no information on file about any costs but is waiting to hear from the company. The Hedgehogs, having heard about the damage, were concerned that this might mean we were unable to afford to run the Party and had offered to help us with those costs. LW to inform them when we hear what the costs might be (we expect them to be in the region of £250/300 as this was the excess). A discussion followed regarding the viability of keeping the marquee up after the Show at all. Security would have to be provided if the marquee was not to be taken down on Saturday evening, although we could hire the marquee from the Friday evening until Saturday evening and leave it to Carters to decide when they would take it down.
The size of the marquee was discussed with regard to cost of hire of a smaller marquee versus the advantages of a larger one for rain cover, stature of the show and possible stalls inside. LW to check out costs of other marquees and other suppliers and report to next meeting when a decision would need to be made to ensure booking.
RG and CG had offered to pay for the cost of hiring the bouncy castle due to the mix-up with regard to insurance. RG had been sure that the supplier had insurance to cover usage but this was only for faulty equipment not possible injury to users and we used the castle without insurance for this during the afternoon. RG’s offer was declined.
An invoice is required for Sunseekers to the value of £200 to recompense the cost of the banners and signs. LW to action.
SW to request an invoice from the band.
PW reported that the Punch and Judy man felt it impossible to come next year for £100 as this didn’t cover his expenses well and he would need about £130. It was agreed that PW could book him again and the committee would meet the extra £30 if a sponsor could be found again for the main £100, as the show was so popular.
WI – there had been some problems with the quantity of tea and cake donated to the car owners and whilst the WI had been happy to give us 10%, these costs were above that and LW had sent a cheque for £40 to the WI to recompense them.
Bourne Show Party: Saturday 21 January 2006
Nicky and Brian Cotterill are prepared to come to the party and it was felt that they would need to perform lighter operatic pieces to meet the audience needs. CG has started working with the Farnham Training Choir and would let us know if she would be able to bring them along. Surrey & Border Film Group is still a possibility. Chris Hellier is giving a slide show at the Bourne Residents Association AGM on West to East in Farnham and HB to go and see this with a view to booking him for the party.
Bourne Show 2005: The children’s Sports were very much appreciated at the show as well as the Nike football. A tennis tournament would be an interesting addition for 2006 and PH to talk to the Bourne Club about running a tournament for us.
Inchcape Toyota had some problems after the show – a golf club had damaged one of their cars, which would cost £350 if hammered out and used as a demonstrator, or £850 if to be sold under full warranty. The person responsible had been contacted and these costs were to be covered by their household insurance. Their details had been given to Inchcape but it was out of our hands and would be settled in due course.
Rubbish was an issue at the show again as stallholders left large amounts for us to take away. An announcement to be made at the end of the show for help clearing up and that stalls must clear their own away. SW had to purchase bin bags and there were no labels as in the past.
Plenty of advertising would be necessary to ensure entries for the photographic competition and new cup. We need to retain copies of the photos for future displays. There are some good photos on the website now, lots from Michael Buckridge as our normal photographer forgot!
Bourne Show 2006 – Saturday 15 July
Date of Next Meeting: This to be held on Wednesday 2 November at Paul Hopwood’s house at 8.00 pm