Minutes of the Meeting


Held on Thursday 17 March 2005


Present:        Les Walton, Hugh Batchelor, Susan Bowness, Gill Keighley, and Steve Warnock


Apologies:   Pat Wilkinson, Jill Holliday, Paul Hopwood, and Robert Gale


Previous Minutes:              The Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 February were accepted


Matters Arising:      LW thanked HB for his efforts in organising the dinner after the AGM


Finance:       Current Account           206.00

                        Reserve Account       2806.84

                        Cash                                37.37

                        Total                            3050.15


                        £15 was spent buying wine and a plant for the honorary auditors.


Bourne Show Party 2005/06:      21 January 2006

                        LW reported that the Surrey Border Film Group were keen to put together a film show about Farnham and the surrounding area, lasting about 30 mins and costing about £25 to cover their costs.  SB reported that she had yet to contact Brian and Nicky Cotterill.

                        GK to book Hall


Bourne Show 2005:          16 July 2005

                        Farnham Town Council have a website about what is on in Farnham and LW has completed the details for the Show.  LW has met with Inchcape and they will be sponsoring the Show but has to meet to finalise details.

                        Solent Dog Display Team, Motorbike Display Team or Police Dogs had been suggested as an extra event for the Show and a decision was to be taken at this meeting.  The Solent Dog team need a large size arena, large tent and parking, cost £200 and last 45 mins.  JH was to look into the Police Dogs but had not had time to date.  The Motorbike display team, Solent Eagles, Tigers and Regals were either booked up or difficult to contact.  Details available were that their display lasted 30 mins for riders aged between 6 and 50 years, £150 – £180 for charity events, with £5 million public liability insurance.  HB raised the issue of damage to the grass from the bikes and the size of arena they would need.  It was decided that perhaps for 2005 we would not take on a new event of this magnitude.  The committee were asked to try to make a point of visiting local shows with displays to see them and judge viability.  The Rowledge Fair is at the end of May and has more stalls, which we could contact.   SW to check Badshot Lea Dog Display team and they are a much smaller group rather than the large Solent Team.

                        A tennis tournament could be of interest and we have offers to run it.  PH to advise.

                        SB to chase Bourne School with regard to Maypole Dancing.

                        PH had advised that the name of the lady from the Bourne School who might run the Plant Stall was Lenka Cooke and he would contact her.  She would need plants and helpers.  SB to ask Margaret Leonard to help with plants.  SW to ask Mike Suter if we might have fertilizer etc for the stall or draw.

                        Stalls – Current charges of £5 per charity for a table and to ask for a donation if they have a good day was discussed and agreed for 2005.  They are to tell us if they will be bringing a gazebo as this takes up more space.

                        Trade stalls – it is attractive to have a selection of stalls.  Charges are generally £30 for a standard stall plus £5 per table.  Karts - £50, Ball Pool £50.

                        Flyers – we could use a photo of the Show to attract attention and distribute during April – SW to action

                        Advertising - £335, £335, £345 income in past few years.  Increase suggested – ¼ page £10 -£12

                                                            ½ page    £15 - £17.50

                                                            full page   £25 - £28

                                                            colour        £35 - £40

                        This would raise £398 at same advertising levels as previously.  It is good income for little work and more in the nature of a donation rather than realistic costs and the rate per page and ½ page has not gone up in a number of years.  This was agreed.

                        It was suggested that we look at other marquee suppliers for a quote for 2006 to make sure we are getting a competitive one. 

                        Draw Tickets – we pay a lot to Arrow Press and have to print 3000 tickets, which we do not need.  Any committee member to contact LW if know a place to get then cheaper (perhaps off the internet?)

                        Schedule is ready for produce etc and will be put in Parish magazine.  It will be available in April from SB and on the website.  The entry form will only be available with programme later.


Any Other Business:         There was none.


Date of Next Meeting:       This to take place on Thursday 28 April at Les Walton’s house in Vicarage Hill at 8.00 pm