Minutes of the Meeting
Held on Wednesday 6 July 2005
Present: Les Walton, Hugh Batchelor, Gill Keighley, Jill Holliday, Chris Smith, Robert Gale, Pat Wilkinson, Susan Bowness, Paul Hopwood, Steve Warnock
Apologies: Graeme Young
Previous Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2005 were accepted.
Matters Arising: The Wooding family, who have long been supporters of the Show, contacted LW when Peggy Goebel died recently and they want to present a cup to commemorate her involvement with the Show over the years. It was decided to use this cup for the Arts & Crafts section and to use the committee cup for something else at the Show.
The Manager at Inchcape Toyota has been invoiced for their sponsorship of £700.
Notices – these have been ordered and will require some posts to support them around the green. Total cost was £208.50 + VAT, and this will be covered by Sunseekers. SW to print and laminate other notices for Grand Draw Prizes and football rules.
Grand Draw prize list was updated.
Lenka Cooke has phoned SB and will bring 3 cars full of plants for the stall (left over from the School Fete) and will help on the day. She will need some help bringing the plants to the Show. Rita Batchelor will liaise with her and Sue Goater will also help to run the plant stall.
Finance: Current Account 454.54
Reserve Account 2519.37
Petty Cash 37.31
Total 3032.22
Sir Ray Tindle has sent a sponsorship cheque for £100 and a bill for banqueting rolls has been paid. Several bills were presented for engraving on cups and car plaques. HB stressed that income from the Grand Draw and programmes needed to be kept separate. Our donation to the Guides has been acknowledged. It was stressed that the floats for the committee stalls at the Show needed to have more initial change in.
Bourne Show Party 2006: No matters were discussed.
Bourne Show 2005: The checklist was discussed.
Bouncy Castle – RG to print up a sign for this with the rules and cost clearly displayed – 50p for 3 minutes.
Grand Draw – tickets have been printed and delivered in days from an internet connection suggested by PW and these were done at half the cost of previous years and very efficiently.
Sports – Carol Warnock will be running the sports now.
Church – set up begins at 4.30 pm on Friday 15 July. LW to liaise with Brian White. Dave Holliday and Brian White will put the church back on Saturday evening.
Display cabinets for the cups will need to be brought to PH’s garage on Thursday evening.
Banners – we are unable to display at the reservoir site this year and so that banner has gone on the tennis courts. The Fox banner could be placed better at Inchcape Toyota’s railings – LW to check. LW to talk to John Lark about borrowing the Bourne Players board for a notice near Vicarage Lane.
Flyers – RG will get them put on Farnham notice boards on Friday. GY has printed other flyers and will get them to Andre at the newsagents on Thursday. LW to liaise.
A list of timings to be given to Roger Goscombe as MC.
Cars – PW requires help to set up on Saturday am.
Security – SW anxious to have a contact overnight in case of trouble. PH or GK were suggested.
Traffic Control – Explorer Scouts organised.
Silent Auction – SW & LW did not examine the bikes as it was a little awkward when they have already been accepted. RG to bring flipchart and stand for use on the day.
Sumo Wrestling and tennis tournament have been shelved for this year.
Helpers list was reviewed and names added.
Party tent needs to go up for photo display which GY is organising, but we are unsure just what will be used.
It was suggested that we have a photographic competition about the Bourne each year and use the committee cup for this. The photos to be of the Bourne, not necessarily the Show. Notices of this competition to be advertised this year in the party tent, for entries in 2006.
RG to find someone to help CG sell Grand Draw tickets.
SW to produce Grand Draw list for sales at newsagents on Saturday to go on the board.
The plan of stalls on the Green was discussed.
The Coffee stallholder to come on Saturday morning and use the power supply for the Bouncy Castle, then move for the afternoon and use his own generator.
There was a discussion about the need for us to ensure that outside trade stalls such as the coffee man, the ball pool and the fairground people to have their own insurance. GK to phone James Wesley and ensure he brings a certificate of insurance with him.
Any Other Business: It was suggested that the Committee and their partners assemble for a de-briefing and lunch at the Fox on Saturday 30 July at 12.30. Committee to let GK know if they are able to attend by Thursday 28 July latest.