Minutes of the Meeting held on
Wednesday 23 February 2005
Present: Les Walton, Gill Keighley, Paul Hopwood, Steve Warnock, Hugh Batchelor, Jill Holliday, Susan Bowness, Graeme Young
Apologies: None.
Previous Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 5 January were amended as follows:
Jill Holliday had attended
Current Account to read £394.10.
Matters Arising: These would be covered during the meeting.
Finance: Current Account 271.84
Reserve Account 2806.84
Petty Cash 33.10
Total £3111.40
Reserve account has been credited with £14.03 interest. Advertising money to the value of £150 has been paid into the current account. Debits for the party, tsunami donation, party tent, postage, and donation to the Gostrey Club for the use of the minibus have all been debited. Money from the Parish has not been received although we were led to believe it would be. JH to talk to Jane Still. A discussion took place about a donation to Showshack, who had said that they were collecting money for a breast cancer charity. It was agreed to send a cheque to the value of £50 to the Showshack organiser as well as a bottle of wine. HB to buy wine and SW to deliver cheque and wine.
Bourne Show Party 2005/6:
A letter of appreciation was passed around and it was felt that the afternoon was very much appreciated again and that the guests seemed to have been more involved. Showshack was a little disappointing as there were so few youngsters and so it did not go on for very long.
A discussion about entertainment for 2006 came up with the following ideas: - Another slide show of Farnham – LW to talk to Border Video/film group and SB to talk to Chris Hellier of the Museum of Farnham or possibly Jean Parratt.
- Irish Dancers were good previously
- Nicky and Brian Cotterill (SB to check)
Date for 2006 to be Saturday 21 January 2006. GK to book.
Bourne Show 2005: Saturday 16 July
Sponsorship – LW has spoken to Inchcape and the new Manager Julian Murphy seems very enthusiastic about community involvement. It appears that last year the Directors were not prepared to sponsor us as they has been getting poor support from the local community and complaints about delivery and parking. They are about to submit major planning permission to knock down the 2 cottages alongside and redo the showroom further back to alleviate parking issues. LW had suggested that they could show the community their plans at the Show. They have agreed to sponsor us but details still to be finalised. LW to action. It was suggested that a page in the programme could be given for their use.
Marquee booked.
St Martin’s Church booked.
Band booked.
Fairground booked.
SB presented details of the Solent Dog Display Team. One display would cost £200 and last for 30-45 mins if they were allowed to make a collection for their charity at the end (CamVet). Discussion followed about whether it would be possible to fit this amount of time into the busy programme schedule or whether we should drop the Dog Show. They also need a very large arena, big tent and parking on the green for the team. It might be necessary to drop the football to accommodate this event but it would be a big attraction. SW to look at logistics of size of arena on available green space. JH to investigate possibility of Police dogs from Mount Browne. SB to investigate a junior motorbike display team. Decision to be taken at next meeting.
A tennis tournament had been suggested on the courts for children. PH to look at possibility.
Saturday evening Barn Dance for Parish clashes with South Farnham Ball.
Stasys now Lockheed Martin and this may have an impact on printing of the programme. PW to report back.
SB has asked the Bourne School about Maypole Dancing but has had no feedback yet.
GK to book the Mayor to open the Show as in past years.
Plant Stall – Rita Batchelor is not willing to take charge of the organisation of this committee stall for 2005. She is willing to help but suggests that there is a person, possibly Polish, who has organised the plants for the Bourne School who might be willing to help us out. PH to find out and contact her.
SB to order rosettes as per last year.
Annual General Meeting: This is to be in the Locality Office, Council chamber at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 8 March at 8.00 pm. Apologies noted from JH. HB has organised the dinner for afterwards at the Traditional Plaice in Downing Street. Tables and booked and a pro forma for everyone’s dinner order was issued at the meeting. Committee to complete the form and return to HB with money. Drinks would be extra and purchased on the evening.
LW raised the issue of electing a new chairperson for the coming year at the AGM but was met with no offers. After a lot of discussion, it was agreed that he would stay on for one more yea, providing that a PR person was sought for the committee (JH to ask someone she knows) and that the Show was to be managed by someone else entirely. PH and SW to take on more responsibility for the Show during this year.
The position of secretary was also up for re-election and GK agreed to stay one for one more year if the job was split with someone else doing the minutes.
Any Other Business: There had been 2 requests for booking forms for stall at the Show this year already. These are already on the website. It was agreed that a new flyer needed to be produced to attract more stalls. Advertising to be sought in April. Show schedule for the marquee to be put on the website as soon as possible and to be sent out to interested groups earlier than last year. RG and SB to action. An advert to be put in Parish Magazine announcing that the schedule was on the website and in local shops/churches. SB to action.
GK reminded the committee of the interest in sponsorship shown by a gentleman from Aldershot who offered to sponsor AA signs being put up to let everyone know where the Show was being held. PH to contact and discuss with him.
Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 17 March at Sue Bowness’ house at 8.00 pm due to difficulties in finding another alternative date later.