Minutes of the Meeting


Held on Thursday 28 April 2005


Present:        Paul Hopcroft, Graeme Young, Pat Wilkinson, Hugh Batchelor, Robert Gale, Susan Bowness, Gill Keighley, Les Walton, Steve Warnock


Apologies:   Jill Holliday


Previous Minutes:  The minutes of the meeting held on 17 March should read          Cash -  £37.31.


Matters Arising:      These will be covered during the meeting.  Apologies for apologies not sent at last meeting from GY.


Finance:       Current Account          206.00

                        Reserve Account       2806.84

                        Cash                               37.31

                        Total                            3062.68


Party 2006:   LW to book Surrey Border Film Group for part of the entertainment at the party and to get some ideas on timing and content.  SB reported that Nicky and Brian Cotterill were happy to perform in principle but to check again in September as Nicky might be singing in Canada; SB also reported that Chris Hillier had been approached to talk on Farnham and was willing.  A letter had been received from St Joan’s regarding the absence of the urn and cups and saucers in 2005.  Mrs Atkinson stated that the urn was now kept in the Church and would need fetching from there if we required its use.  The cups and saucers have diminished over the years and we would need to check their number nearer the time to see if there was sufficient.


Bourne Show 2005:          Sponsors – The Manager at Inchcape Toyota is not in Farnham full-time and whilst a meeting had been arranged with LW, this had not taken place.  Another date was set up for end of April when details should be sorted out.

                        Christopher Hone would still be sponsoring the Punch & Judy and PW had booked it. 

                        The Goscombe family, who will be running the Dog Show again this year, had requested that they be allowed to ask the Bat & Ball pub to sponsor the event to the tune of £50, and this was agreed.

                        JH reported that one of our advertisers last year had been impressed with the response he had received and was looking to become our main sponsor this year if Inchcape did not want to take it on.  Perhaps he could be considered for 2006.


                        We have an offer of ½ sponsorship of £50 to run a sumo-wrestling ring, but we would need someone to run it.  PH to investigate.

                        The Daffodil Run vintage cars have been given leaflets regarding the Show with local pub names on.

                        GK to ask Lucy to judge the Dog Show once again.

                        Grand Draw – We all need to be thinking of prizes again.  To date we have – 1 month’s membership for 2 people at Cannons,

                        Tennis Coaching Lesson at Bourne Tennis Club

                        PH to contact Frensham Pond Hotel and Frensham Garden Centre.  PW to contact Forest Lodge Garden Centre

                        Previous discussion had taken place about the need for better signage around the Green.  RG to head up sub-committee to sort this out!

                        Website – now has schedule on.  It was decided that we would need to let children/parents know the schedule in advance so that they can grow the necessary things.  GY to print off leaflets saying where and when entry forms would be available and target local Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Beavers, Bourne School, South Farnham, and Ridgway School etc.

                        SW reported that Badshot Lea Dog Team did not put on displays.

                        PH to pursue idea of Tennis Tournament.

                        There will be no maypole dancing or 88th Foot Company.

                        Margaret Leonard will provide some plants for the stall,  PH still trying to contact Lenka Cooke.

                        SW still to find out about fertilizer prize and look at flyers for stalls.  SW to organise Explorer Scouts for car parking as before.  HB to arrange insurance for the Show.

                        PW to advise LW on alternative source for Draw tickets

                        GK to provide checklist for next meeting and organise Mayor as Opener for Show.

                        Carol Warnock will not be able to run the children’s sports this year so an alternative person needs to be found.  Carol will write out a schedule.

                        WI have written to advise us of their requirements for the teas.

                        Guides have 2 sheds outside St Martin’s Hall, one of which is beyond repair.  They have been quoted £900 to a metal shed and are looking for urgent support to buy it now.  It was agreed after much discussion that we would give them £100 now if we get sponsorship from Inchcape and look again after the Show.

                        There was much discussion about how the Show is run, how much we raise, whether we give the public a treat such as a free bouncy castle/animal display or whether we give more donations.  This to be brought up at next meeting.

                        Our photographer needs a better brief for the Show this year to include the opening ceremony, more cars and a larger vista of the whole green


Date of Next Meeting:       This will be held on Wednesday 1 June at Robert Gale’s house at 8.00 pm.  Apologies received from Pat Wilkinson.