Bourne Show Committee


Minutes of the Meeting


Held on 22 June 2005


Present:        Les Walton, Jill Holliday, Chris Smith, Sue Bowness, Gill Keighley, Robert Gale, Steve Warnock, Pat Wilkinson


Apologies:   Hugh Batchelor, Paul Hopwood


Previous Minutes:  The Minutes of the meeting held on 1 June 2005 were amended to read Peter Greenyer not Pewter Greenyer.


Matters Arising:      Abigail Daykin and Co, solicitors, has agreed to sponsor the Band for £100.  Sir Ray Tindle has agreed to sponsor the Show for £100.  LW reported that he had contacted South East Water to obtain permission for the banner to go up at the reservoir, and would put it up as soon as this was obtained.  RG to amend other banner for Fox and obtain permission.


Finance:       HB had sent his report in his absence.

                        Current Account          398.07

                        Reserve Account       2519.37

                        Petty Cash                     37.31

                        Total                            2954.75


                        Receipts for advertising, sponsorship etc amounted to £387.00

                        £509.93 had been paid out for rosettes, guides donation, gazebo, cards and insurance.  Some advertising money was still due and JH would invoice for this.


Bourne Show Party 2006:           CG has begun working for the Farnham Training Choir and playing for the Boys Choir and it was suggested that perhaps either of these could provide some entertainment for the party.


Bourne Show 2005:          (a) Sponsorship –

                        Inchcape Toyota - £700 + prizes

                        Abigail Daykin & Co - £100 towards the band

                        Tindle Newspapers - £100

                        Seekers Estate Agents - £200 towards whatever we provide receipts for, but requires no publicity

                        Hone Properties – Punch & Judy sponsorship

                        Guy Boyd – JH still unable to contact

                        Bat & Ball Pub - £50 towards Dog Show


(b)     Notices – JH, LW and CS met to discuss what might be needed on the Green and a list was shown to the Committee.  After much discussion it was agreed that a reinforced banner (20’ x 3’) for the top of the marquee in blue on yellow would be purchased (£95 + VAT).  Wording to state “Bourne Show Marquee – competitive classes and exhibition – cookery, art & craft, garden produce and children’s classes”.  Another banner would also be purchased (6’ x 2’) to go on the front of the marquee to read “Grand Draw Tickets” @ £26 + vat.

Other notices would be purchased in Corex from the same source in large sizes for: - Teas & Flower Arranging

                                           Nike Football Register Here

                                           Punch & Judy

                                           Punch & Judy Performances



                                           Vehicular access to Green

                                           Classic & Vintage Vehicles

                                            Pre 1945

                                            Post 1945

SW to print up and laminate additional notices for Draw Prizes and Nike Football Rules.

(c)     Barn Dance – LW will contact Vanessa Horn about tables.

(d)     Silent Auction – LW reported that we were being donated 1 ladies bike and 2 mountain bikes (second hand) which he thought we might have a silent auction for during the Show.  SW and LW to examine bikes and decide whether they are worthwhile.

(e)     Checklist – This was updated ~(see attached)

Stalls – so far we have 20 charity and about 6 trade stalls booked, which is normal for this time of year.  The face painting stall is coming, having negotiated giving us 25% of their proceeds.  The programme covers had been printed and the rest of the programme was nearly ready for PW to print this weekend.

A bouncy castle had been booked, with its own insurance @ £80, but would need 2 teams of 2 to man it for the afternoon.

Grand Draw – Tickets were to be printed at a new source for £27.  Prizes as follows:-

Cannons Membership for 1 month for 2 people

Frensham Pond Sailing Lesson

Radio Controlled car (Mill Lane Renault)

Meal from Frensham Pond Hotel (GY to ask)

Meal at Fox Pub (RG to ask)

Golf bag & trolley (Inchcape)

Hamper for 2 (Inchcape)

Gentleman’s watch Inchcape)

Pen Drawing of Lion & Land Yard (SB)

Bottle of Cherry Brandy (HB)

Tennis Lesson (Andy Warry)

SW to order copy of new Harry Potter book as prize.  More prizes always welcome!

Sports – Jube Young out of the country and cannot do this but has suggested another name – SW will check.

PW to print up 100 A4 posters and 50 A3.

Rita Batchelor has been trying to liaise with Mrs Goafer regarding the Plant Stall but she has been away on holiday.  PLANTS WILL BE REQUIRED.

(f)       Helpers List – This was looked at and names deleted as known.  Each member of committee to try to find someone new to help with show.

Sale of Grand Draw Tickets – a rota was drawn up for the sale of tickets outside the Newsagents on 9 & 10 July –

9/7     9-10 am     R&CG

          10-11 am   LW

          11-12 am   JH & GK


10/7   9-10 am     SB

          10-11 am   PW

           11-12 am  CS


Other committee members not on list to come along and help if they can.


Any Other Business:     12 flyers to be taken to Locality Office for them to be put into the display boards around Farnham.


Date of Next Meeting:       This is to be held on 6 July at Gill Keighley’s house at 8.00 pm.