Minutes of the meeting held on


6 September 2004


Present:        Les Walton, Hugh Batchelor, Steve Warnock, Gill Keighley, and Chris Smith


Apologies:   Paul Hopwood, Jill Holliday, and Susan Bowness


Previous Minutes:  these were accepted and it was agreed that it had been useful having a meeting closer to the Show than had been the case in the past.


Matters Arising:      these would be dealt with during the meeting


                        LW welcomed Chris Smith as a new committee member


Finance:       Current Account        1321.42

                        Reserve Account       2083.59

                        Cash                               33.10

                        Total                            3438.11


                        We have received no donation from the Bourne Newsagents to cover the football sponsorship (£50 expected).  HB to vIsit.  We have received no donation from the Parish Barn dance and we know that they made a good profit as they had the meat donated.  RG to talk to Jonathan Lane or LW.


                        Show income appears to be £2823.  We need more stalls to generate additional income.  Both trade and charity stalls were down in 2004 and many of our regulars did not come.


                        Party costs                 2004               £483

2003                              £495

2002                              £453

2001                              £520

This gives us an indication of costs to expect for 2005.  We need more prizes and new raffle tickets.


Bourne Show 2004:          A banner is required to say what is in the marquee, as many people do not know.   More signs are needed generally and in the part were provided by working groups from the committee.

                        Show schedule needs to be available from the beginning of May to WI, and other interested parties such as flower arranging groups.  The schedule could be put into the Parish magazine.

The entry form could be put into the programme to be available from June as usual.  SW to talk to the Art Dept at Weydon School to see if we could get an exhibition of older children’s work in the marquee and encourage more people to visit as well as filling up the marquee a bit.

                        Our photo display was much appreciated and more photos were taken this year for our archive.

                        There was a suggestion that the committee should wear a named T-shirt!

                        Manpower was much better this year but more people could be involved and perhaps more committee stalls could be run if we had more help in order to raise additional funds.  Rowledge Show Makes more money than we do but have a bigger show with many more trade stalls.

                        The Go-kart man would like to move next year so that he can be nearer where the Scouts were situated this year.

                        Tables were in abundance this year as there were more available at Woodlarks than before so we had more than was needed.

                        Bourne show 2005 proposed date Saturday 16 July.  This to be confirmed with the Cricket Club and Parish Office by LW then he will order the marquee.

                        SW to book the Band.  GK to book fairground once we are sure.

                        Grand Draw income was £739 gross – very respectable and the Lottery return has been completed and sent off. 

                        HB to keep a list of equipment and where stored.

                        No bill has been submitted for the party tent PH to action.

                        PH to confirm return of bunting to Hedgehogs.


Bourne Show Party 2005:           15 January 2005

                        Showshack confirmed SW.  Bourne Singers confirmed RG.


AGM:              It makes sense to alter our financial year as at present the Show and party fall within 2 financial years.  It was therefore agreed that the AGM would take place in March/April rather than November so that the Show finances the party within the financial year.  GK to book the Locality Office for the first week of March if possible.


Any Other business:         Borneo Expedition returned after a successful trip and is grateful for the support we have given.  They are offering to put on a slide presentation about their trip to us and other interested groups.  SW to liase and perhaps organise a presentation at Weydon for ourselves and maybe the Lions etc.


Date of next meeting:        this is to be held on 3 November 2004 at Steve Warnock’s house at 8.00 pm.