Minutes of the Meeting held on


Wednesday 10 March 2004



Present:        Jill Holliday, Steve Warnock, Les Walton, Sue Bowness,

Gill Keighley, Paul Hopcroft, Robert Gale, Pat Wilkinson


Apologies:   Hugh Batchelor, Graham Young


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:          An amendment was made to the date for the next meeting – to read 10 March, not 190.


Matters Arising:      These would be dealt with during the meeting


Finance:       HB had sent a report in his absence.  All party expenses have been met.  Funds to date as follows:

                        Current Account            20.11

                        Reserve Account       2570.64

                        Total                            2590.64

                        £500 will be transferred into the current account.  Finances very sound for this time of year.


Bourne Show Party 2004/5:        Letters had been received from Weydon School and Woodlarks thanking us for our donations.

                        A report of the party and a photo appeared in the Farnham Herald, referring to Inchcape Toyota sponsorship for the Show.  Inchcape have rung to make sure of the date for the Show to go in their own publicity, LW to follow up regarding sponsorship for the 2004 Show

                        Entertainment for the 2005 Party must be decided soon as things will need to be booked.  Showshack will just have done their new Show and might be willing to perform for us again.  SW/PH to check this out.  The Bourne Singers might be willing to participate – RG to investigate.


Bourne Show 2004:


a)     St Martin’s Centenary – a working group has been set by St Martin’s and Margaret Hines is the contact regarding a joint display with the Bourne Residents, St Martin’s and us.  SW, PH and GK to investigate borrowing display boards.  PH to borrow an extra party tent for the display.  Suggestion that an extra section in the Flower Show of 100 years at St Martin’s to be put to the organiser (SB).  A suggestion of a competition to “guess where this is in the Bourne” was made.



b)     Bourne School - SB has been in contact with the school re the children’s involvement and connection with the National Curriculum for school artwork.  They would like the work to be judged and them someone from the committee to hand out the prizes in assembly.  There is also to be a children’s section in the flower arranging.

It may be possible to have maypole dancing again this year as the teacher involved is now back in the area.  SB to follow up.  The Bourne School now have new tables we can use, but it may be unwise to throw away the old ones as we can leave them outside and seem to have increasing need for tables.

c)     Stallholders – 2 enquiries so far, letter to go out mid April.  It was decided not to charge charity stalls for their pitch, but £5 per table.  The trade stalls allow us to offer charities this facility.  Rowledge Show asks for a voluntary donation of 5% of their takings.  A letter to the charities to be sent to remind them that we are a charity and that if they do well perhaps they will make an extra donation/larger contribution.  We cannot charge the Scouts and Woodlarks for tables as we borrow from them.  Trade Stalls to be charged £20 if they book early (end of May) + table hire and £25 + table hire if they book after end of May.  We need someone in the information tent at all times to guide the stallholders.

d)     Grand Draw – Prizes on display helped to sell tickets on the day.  Tickets to be sold for a couple of weekends before outside the newsagents.

RG to approach Ian Morris, MD of B & Q who lives locally for prizes.  HB taught Johnny Wilkinson – any chance of a prize?  All committee to think of prizes and donations.

e)     Programme – RG to design a new cover.  PW needs programmes earlier this year for printing, 500+ to be run off.  It was agreed that the programme needs more information in it and needs the running order to be at the beginning, with the schedule closer together.  Gazebos are needed for both sides of the green for selling the programmes.  JH to take over the advertising for the programme.

f)       Punch & Judy – sponsorship in doubt as sponsor ill.  PW to book anyway.  (Note to committee – Sponsorship agreed after meeting)

g)     Band – The Alder Valley Brass Band have been booked at a fee of £220.

h)     Website – This is up to date.

i)        Marquee St Martin’s are interested in using the marquee for a Barn Dance in the evening, but it has not been booked as such.  The Church still want to use it on Sunday morning.

Any Other Business:         SW to investigate possibility of hiring a bouncy thing which is supervised and insured for 4 hours @ £150.  There are several sorts available.

                        Rosettes – SW to let SB know how many they have and require by end of March.

                        Bean Car Club want a plate for Best Bean Car Club member, which they will pay for, and which will be presented at the Show.

                        Dog Show – GK unable to run this in 2004 due to family commitments, committee to think of anyone else.

                        PH to investigate Army Assault Course again.

                        PW to check prices for Millers Ark to attend Show.

                        New bunting required for top end of Green to make it look better.


Next Meeting:          This will be Wednesday 28 April at 8.00 pm at Sue Bowness’s house.