Minutes of the Meeting held on
Wednesday 23 June 2004
Present: Les Walton, Sue Bowness, Steve Warnock, Hugh Batchelor, Gill Keighley, Jill Holliday, Graeme Young, Robert Gale, Paul Hopwood
Apologies: Pat Wilkinson
Previous Minutes: No amendments were necessary
Matters Arising: Sponsorship – Robert Gale’s company – Portico Consulting – have agreed to sponsor our Grand Draw first prize of a digital camera. The Bourne News agency was delighted to be asked to sponsor the Nike football. Sir Ray Tindle has sent a cheque for £150 as sponsorship from the Farnham Herald.
Finance: Current Account 640.12
Reserve Account 2077.07
Total 2717.19
Advertising - £200 received so far
Stallholders’ money coming in slowly, (£425 last year)
Insurance cover renewed and a copy of the schedule to be in information tent. (Action – GK). Jonathan Lake from St Thomas’ asked about our insurance cover with regard to the Barn Dance, but will have to organise his own for the event. A committee member will have to ensure that the tent is sealed up and all cleared away on Saturday evening. (Action – JH) Tables have not been requested.
A query was raised as to whether the Flower Show should be self-financing and after discussion, it was agreed that we would check this year’s costs against income with a view to perhaps amending entry fees etc for next year. (Action – SB & HB)
Bourne Show Party 2005: No matters were raised.
Bourne Show 2004: There was some question as to where the bunting had been stored, and it was needed for the carnival at the weekend. (Action – LW, PH, RG, SW)
Exhibition – GY had placed a notice in the Bourne News agency but had no response. He has 6 photos so far and asked for names of contacts for further exhibit material. LW had spoken to Chris Sheppard of the Rural Life Centre who felt too busy to sort out what negatives he might have. Mike Leashman of the Bourne Residents Association is expecting a call about their collection of material. Margaret Hines from St Martin’s has a variety of material and it was suggested that the Fox be asked for their old photos to be copied for the event. SW to provide the display boards, and Scouts would appear to have more if required. Rita Batchelor has a display of Centenary flower Show photos to be used. PW and LW have photos of previous shows. A sign would be needed for the tent and a suitable title.
Grand Draw – Prizes so far –
- Digital Camera
- Cordless phone
- 2 months Cannons membership
- 2 Tickets for Beerex 2005
- £10 Morgan’s Butchers voucher
- Meal at the Fox
- 6 bottles of wine
- Portable BBQ
- Sailing lessons at Frensham
- Chiropody session
Grand Draw tickets will be on sale with programmes outside the Bourne News agency on Saturday 10 July and Sunday 11 July from 9.00 – 12.00 and a rota was drawn up.
LW to check on availability of school tables as well as tables from the Bourne Hall and Lantern
RG to get banner to LW to alter the date before display on the Fox.
The helpers list was discussed and a list of jobs requiring helpers drawn up, to be put together at next meeting. (Action - LW)
The checklist was amended – see attached.
Any other Business: A trade stallholder has requested to have a stall painting plates at the show – it was agreed that a phone call to Ceramic Café would be appropriate to give them first refusal on a stall of this kind as they are local and advertise in the programme. (Action – SW)
The website will have all the classes and the entry form on it for all to use (Action – SB and RG)
Next Meeting: This had already been arranged to be held on Wednesday 7 July at Jill Holliday’s house