Minutes of The Meeting held on


Wednesday 7 July 2004


Present:        Les Walton, Hugh Batchelor, Jill Holliday, Gill Keighley, Sue Bowness, Steve Warnock, Graeme Young, Pat Wilkinson, Robert Gale


Apologies:   None


Previous Minutes:  Organiser of Barn Dance after the Show is Jonathan Lane, not Lake as previously minuted.


Matters Arising:      Bourne Exhibition – Mike Leashman of the Bourne Residents Association is reluctant to let us use any of his photos in case they are copied by a visitor, when he wishes to retain copyright and use them for a book.  GY to talk to him about how this might be overcome and how we might protect his interests.  We do not have very many photos so far, but GY still to liase with Margaret Hines.  LW to provide GY with CD of previous years photos, Mike Leashman and Margaret Hines phone numbers.  Any committee member holding photos of previous parties to bring those to GY for use, to allow the public to see what is done with our profits.

                        Grand Draw – A rota for the sale of tickets and programmes this weekend was distributed.  HB to provide float to GK by Friday.  PW still trying to get voucher signed for a meal at the Fox by the new publicans.

                        PH to provide a voucher for sailing lessons at Frensham.

                        SB investigating the possibility of tennis lessons from the Bourne Club.

                        LW still to purchase a digital camera for the main prize.

                        Tables – there is a shortfall in tables this year as the school have got rid of the Show tables stored in their sheds.  We require in total about 90 tables and have access to less than that.  LW to talk to Jonathan Still about borrowing tables from St Thomas’ or the Bourne Hall. A committee member to be nominated to ensure that all tables return to their respective homes after the Show.  (It was suggested that the Barn Dance may need the Bourne Hall tables and could be responsible for replacing them, thus taking on that work for us.)

                        Banners – RG to deliver banner to LW for change of date and to ensure it is put up at the Fox this weekend.  The other banner is ready and permission has been granted for its display at the reservoir site. (Action – LW)

                        Helpers – the list was updated and jobs allocated.

                        The Guides do not want to run the Ice creams this year due to lack of help and it was suggested that the Weydon Borneo Group would like to raise funds in this way.  This was agreed and the freezer will be provided for them.


Finance:       Current account         720.72

                        Reserve account       2077.07

                        Total                            2797.79


                        Advertising has brought in £225 so far and stalls £165, but more is due.


Bourne Show 2004:          Bunting has been borrowed from the Hedgehogs and more is available from PW if required.

                        Posters have now been displayed around the area.

                        Checklist was reviewed.  LW to give list of Grand Draw prizes to RG for website.  LW to ring Herald (James Bowman) to remind them that the Show is on and perhaps with our photo of the cannon being fired ask them to mention it before the Show.


Any Other Business:         It was agreed that those who were available would meet at the Fox for a meal on the day after the Show with their partners.  LW to book for 1.00 pm.

                        Rita needs plants for the stall – all committee to provide.

                        JH to seal the tent after the Barn Dance.


Next Meeting:          The next meeting to be held on Monday 6 September at Les Walton’s house at 8.00pm