Minutes of the Meeting held on


Wednesday 21 January 2004



Present:        Les Walton, Gill Keighley, David Crosby, Jill Holliday, and Hugh Batchelor


Apologies:   Pat Wilkinson, Steve Warnock, and Susan Bowness



Minutes of the Previous Meeting:          The Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 November were accepted


Matters Arising:      SW had reported that he may have a new committee member for us – Graham Young – who has helped with set up at the Show in the past – SW to bring to next meeting.


Finance:       Funds were transferred from the reserve to the current account to meet expenditure for the party and accounts now stand at:

                        Current Account        £   106.11

                        Reserve Account       £2570.53

                        Total                            £2676.64


                        Sheelagh Greentree has had her cheque for flowers but a cheque is still to be issued to the Gostrey Club for use of the Minibus and to the Irish Dancers for their performance at the party.  It was decided to send £20 to the Gostrey Club (LW) and £50 to the Irish Dance Academy (GK).


Bourne Show Party 2004 review:          It was good to have Toyota represented there to present the cheques to Weydon School and Woodlarks, but it was thought that it was over a bit quickly and he should perhaps have been given the opportunity to say a few words.  The photos that were taken were not very good for reproduction, so LW had to alter them before sending them to the Herald, with an article about the party in the hope of getting some coverage.  Perhaps next year it would be an idea to ‘pose’ for the photos in the morning and check out the lighting.

                        Various letters and cards had been received from guests complementing us on the party again this year and these were passed around.  Numbers were down to 70, partly due to illness but also natural wastage.  DC suggested several contacts for possible guests in 2005:   Jenny Schmidt of FCCT

                                                                        Jonathan Still re Pioneer People

                                                                        Hospice Day Centre


                                                                        British Legion


                        There needed to be more prizes available just in case – say more boxes of chocolates and 3-4 bottles of sherry as there had been a bit of embarrassment when lots of bingo calls were made at the same time.  The bingo tickets had been mixed from various sets and therefore there were more chances of winning.  A fresh set of bingo cards to be purchased for next year – preferably with larger numbers.  Clearer instructions were also required, or perhaps a beetle drive could be done instead for 2005.

                        Quite a lot of folk were getting bored as Peter tried to fill in time, but we started earlier and still were rushed at the end.  The earlier start and finish worked well with less confusion in the car park.  Outside lighting worked well.

                        The lack of guides this year was not seen as a problem as the pupils from Weydon helped and there were a lot of committee to assist too.  Letters to be sent to the Weydon pupils thanking them for their help.

                        The curtains on stage were a problem as we need to use them and the wiring was broken.  A letter to be sent when booking for 2005 asking if we might make a donation towards the cost of having them running next year.  Hall to be booked from 11 am again for Saturday 15 January 2005.

                        Possible entertainment – Josie Bates

                                                                        Hand bell Ringers

                                                                        Brian Cotterill and Nicky

                                                                        Kevin Jacko (Choir leader at St Thomas’ to see if choir might sing for us) or Jonathan Lane

                                                                        Garrod Stephen’s choir

                                                                        David Caplan of Lodge Hill Road organises the UNICEF concert music and might have a suggestion from there.


Bourne Show 2004 – 17 July

We are to have a Bourne Show tent showing the history of the Show over the years – what happens to the money, charity donations etc.  It is St Martin’s 100th anniversary this year and they could have some photos too.  JH to find out contact.

Bourne Residents would also have some photos and might like to exhibit them with these others.

A graphic should be put in the magazine showing where the money goes.  SW organising stalls again?

More programmes were sold last year and this is a good source of income as the advertising is pretty constant year on year.  JH to take on mailing advertisers and putting the adverts together.

A discussion on lucky numbers for the programme was discussed and a suggestion of a tear out slip in the programme to be put into a box in the committee tent was put forward.

An opener is needed – suggestions please

More manpower is needed during the day, not just for setting up and closing down – the walkie-talkies worked well.

PW to check our sponsorship and book Punch and Judy man.

Open Gardens:       This item to be removed form the agenda until further notice, as we are not a large enough committee.


Any Other Business:         There was none


Next Meeting:          The date of the next meeting is to be Wednesday 190 March at 8.00pm at Gill Keighley’s house.