Minutes of the Meeting held on


Thursday 3 April 2003



Present:        Les Walton, Sue Bowness, Steve Warnock, Robert Gale, Caroline Gale, Gill Keighley, David Crosby, Paul Hopwood, Pat Wilkinson


Apologies:   Hugh Batchelor


Previous Minutes:  These were accepted


Matters Arising:      The presentation to the Scouts was duly organised and took place on 2 April, with photographs taken to be used for publicity


Finance:       In HB’s absence he had sent a note to say that finances were not much different to the last meeting, with a balance of £2386.91.  It was reported that Woodlarks have secured funding for their new vehicle from Waverley Borough Council.


Bourne Show Party 2003/4:        10 January 2004.  Letter has been sent to Christopher Lilywhite.  Dunlop Academy of Irish Dancers are fairly positive they can come, but need to be confirmed after Easter.  Waverley Bell Ringers have offered to come but need to be confirmed soon if required.  Acusticks, a group of 16 x 8-11 year old will definitely be coming.  St Martin’s Fellowship have confirmed too.  It was decided that songs from shows would be sung at the party rather than wartime songs as in the past.  CG to provide song sheets.


Bourne Show 2003:          GK to try to contact Folly Hill donkeys to appear.  PH reported on our plan to produce calendars for sale.  The company would not give costs for a run of 500 as they felt it was not economical, however 1000 was felt to be too many for us to commit to.  Clarification was required on whether the quoted costs of £2.70 per item included VAT and envelopes.  PH to investigate and to try for a quote on 500 again.  Decision would be needed by end of April for print run, and we felt that photos of both the Bourne and Farnham would help to sell the calendar.

                        LW was unable to report on Inchcape’s potential sponsorship as the meeting had been postponed and was rescheduled for 4 April.  SW mentioned a possibility of Renault at Aldershot as sponsors if Toyota were not forthcoming.

CYI had said they might use the marquee on Saturday night and might pay something towards costs.  The Bean Car Club had also expressed interest.  Scouts have expressed interest and offered £100.  Offers to be in by end of April and a decision made then about who should use it.

                        The risks of committing to the calendar run might be offset if we had some sponsorship and finance for the marquee and therefore a decision would be taken by LW in consultation with PH and SW by the end of the month when details were clearer.

                        LW to write to Farnham Herald to ask for sponsorship again.

                        Grand Draw – Linda German will run the stand and take responsibility for setting it up on Show day.

                        Stalls – 100 letters have been sent out and 10 replies received so far, ½ through the website, including the Go-kart stall.  Bourne Residents Association will have its own tent this year.

                        PH has organised 2 units from the Fire Brigade for the Show – a kitchen safety unit and an interactive community fire safety vehicle.

                        DC to be liaison for School involvement in Show

                        SW to be liaison for Guides involvement

                        Dog Show – Sue Klatt is not able to run this, so an organiser is required.

                        Opener – Mayor will be asked to open the Show in May.  (GK)

                        Checklist – will be operational by May meeting

                        Printing – programme cover will be in colour (via Stasys). RG to update cover design.  Details for classes required by first week in May, to be in shops in early June.


Web Site:      This now has a flashing calendar.


Open Gardens:       To be discussed after the Show


Any Other Business:         DC has not priced a new banner to show where teas are, but did not think it would be costly.

                        Meeting required to refurbish wooden notices for around the green.  SW to provide A1 size ground plan for Show.


Next Meeting:          Wednesday 7 May at 8.00 pm at Sue Bowness’ house – Pine Needles, 2 Vicarage Close, Off Vicarage hill