Minutes for the Meeting held on
Monday 22 September 2003
Present: Les Walton, Sue Bowness, Steve Warnock, Gill Keighley, Hugh Batchelor, and Pat Wilkinson
Apologies: David Crosby, Robert Gale
Previous Minutes: Minutes from 30 June 2003 were accepted
Matters Arising: To be covered during meeting
Finance: Reserve Account: 3308.94
Current Account: 486.59
Some lost property and unclaimed prize money still in envelopes from 2002 and 2003 was all put into funds making a total of
The bill for the Band is still to be paid as well as some advertising money still to arrive from the Bourne Stores and the Fox, but in total it looks as if the profit from the Show amounts to approximately £1600, less a donation to the Explorer Scouts for taking the place of Surrey Radio Scouts of £30.
A decision was made to increase the amount required from the charity stalls to £5 per table + £5 per stall and tighter control would be kept on the size of stalls as some charities take up a lot of space. SW to find out what costs are elsewhere.
Bourne Show 2003: SB requires more help between 7–10 am on the morning of the Show to assist in the marquee directing exhibitors and setting up. She also needs to know the size of the exhibit, particularly in Arts and Crafts Section to help with space allocation. The Bourne School paid no entry fee but when awarded first prize etc were given prize money, which is expensive to us. In the past what the Bourne School were going to exhibit was what the children’s classes were in the programme, whereas this year SB had put in extra classes. There were not sufficient entries to make this feasible. SB to liase with Mrs Cooper at the School for 2004 to put school entries in as an exhibition rather than in competition.
South Farnham School may be able to provide us with Maypole Dancing for 2004. The involvement of the Ridgeway School for 2004 was discussed, and problems of disabled access were raised. SW to discuss with a teacher from the Ridgeway School.
Provisional date for Show 2004 – Saturday 17 July 2004
LW to confer with Cricket Club about this date and once confirmed the Alder Valley Brass Band, the marquee, the fairground and the Parish Office will need to be advised.
A sample shield was discussed for possible use for children’s section prizes as SB had a free supply in different sizes. The value of rosettes was raised as the prices have gone up, but it was agreed that these were much appreciated by the children for sports and for the Dog Show.
The fenced off car park was discussed and LW reported that he had spoken to Waverley Parks Manager about it. The Crocket Club have a key to allow their grounds men on to the pitch and we are to use that key as required.
LW has written to sponsors, mayor, Alan Hunt, Phil Masters, Peter Greenyer and Sir Ray Tindle to thank them for their support and hard work. The Mayor had written a note to thank the Committee for their hard work as soon as she left the Show.
Results and summary of the Show were sent off to the Farnham Herald after the Show but there was no entry or mention at all. Our photographer has produced some wonderful pictures and these are available on the website.
The cars were excellent again this year and drew lots of crowds.
There were comments about the amount of Trade stalls again this year, but their additional interest and funds justify their attendance, perhaps more could be charged for 2004? We cannot guarantee what stalls will do and therefore they have to be competitive.
Staffing – setting up was OK but generally we need to have more staff available all day to stop situations were committee members are not getting a break at all, especially when other committee members are not taking their turn. (You know who you are!) It was a good idea to have the gazebo set up further up the Green and David and Gill Holliday sold a lot of programmes during the afternoon, even if that should have started sooner as folk turn up earlier and earlier.
Bourne Show Party 2004: 10 January 2004
Irish Dancers definite. Acustix definite. St Martin’s Fellowship definite. New timing of 2.30 – 5.30 pm to enable easier access on leaving due to Mass.
Open Gardens: A sub-committee is needed to run this.
Any Other Business: Letters had been received from individual Guides requesting financial support for trips/expeditions. One of these was already out of date and it was decided that we might give money to the Guides as a group rather than individuals. Committee to give thought to how we might make donations this year and a decision to be taken at November meeting. Previous recipients are: Bourne School
Ridgeway School (not for some time)
Gostrey Centre (little bit each year)
AGM – date to be confirmed but suggested 5 November and 12 November at locality office again followed by dinner at the Thai Restaurant on East Street. GK to advise.
Date of Next Meeting: Next committee meeting date to be decided at AGM.
AGM definitely Wednesday 12 November at 7.30 pm in Council Chamber.