Minutes of the Meeting held on


7 May 2003


Present:        Les Walton, Sue Bowness, Steve Warnock, David Crosby, Hugh Batchelor, Gill Keighley, Pat Wilkinson, Paul Hopwood


Apologies:   Robert Gale


Previous Minutes:              The minutes of the meeting held on 3 April were accepted.


Matters Arising:       Woodlarks now have their minibus.  Their Summer Fete is on Sunday at 2.00 pm.


Finance:       Little has changed except some interest on the reserve account

                        Reserve Account       2053.82

                        Current Account        339.20

                        Total                            2393.02

                        Cheques were given to the Treasurer at the meeting and some were then paid out for expenses


Bourne Show Party 2004:           GK to check availability of Irish Dancers, then all entertainment is sorted out for the afternoon.


Bourne Show:        a)         Inchcape Toyota have confirmed sponsorship on the same basis as last year - £700

Sir Ray Tindall has confirmed sponsorship.  Nigel Day, editor of Farnham Herald, will be in touch re amount and a vintage car being available.

            b)         Calendars – No more contact has been made and we must assume that a run of 500 is not possible, therefore the calendars will not be made for this year as the risk is too great.

It was suggested that a photo portfolio be made for orders to be taken, but there are copyright issues.  Mike Leashman of the Bourne Residents has been in touch with Chris Shepherd of the Rural Life Centre who has a lot of photos and he will be in contact with LW to discuss their use, and possibly some sketches.

c)                  Marquee – The usage for Saturday evening needed to be decided as both the Scouts and the Bean Car Club were definitely interested in having a function there, the Scouts offering £100 and the Bean Car Club £180.  After much discussion it was decided that we would offer the hire fee of  £180 to the Scouts to help their fundraising so that they did not need to run the function at this time, saving £100 themselves on hire charges.  The Bean Car Club are to pay by 8 June to secure the booking, and the Scouts will get the donation after the Show.  The Bean Car Club are planning to hold a 60s evening to celebrate 3 people’s 60th birthdays.  They will require tables and chairs – these to be from St Martins Hall if possible – numbers to be sorted out by PW. They will be responsible for clearing them all away on the Saturday night/Sunday ready for the Church Service at 10.30 am from the marquee.

d)                 Advertising – 23 letters have gone out and about ½ have responded, all positive, so £130 advance payments have been made.  Thank you to go in for Stasys for printing and to Christopher Hone for sponsoring the Punch & Judy Show.

e)                 Dog Show -    Lucy Hart has agreed to be the judge and is very enthusiastic.  An organiser is still required.

f)                    Grand Draw – Prizes so far include

1-month membership for 2 at Canon’s Health Club

£30 dinner at The Fox

Case of wine

Royal Doulton Figurine – Always & Forever

Framed embroidery

Sailing lesson at Frensham Pond

Single Malt Whiskey

Meal at Spotted Cow?

Bottle of Baileys

Free hair do at Hair Stop


?Something from Renault Aldershot

g)                 Stallholders – Lots of stalls booked, both trade and charity.  SW to make up a master plan for the information tent ready for Saturday morning arrivals

h)                  Checklist – This was updated (copy enclosed)

PW has photos for RG to perhaps make use of for a montage on front cover of programme

Connaught Rangers have been asked if they will set up a participating boot camp at the Show, as they are not doing a battle at the Castle

Guides want to run a lucky dip and sideshow, but will also sell out lollies, if we buy them.

SW to purchase orange fencing and stakes for football

i)                    All Committee to check availability of helpers for next meeting


Web Site:      As RG was absent this was not discussed


Open Gardens:       This was not discussed


Any Other Business:         HB to keep a photo album for Show and Party is anyone has anything to go in it.


Date of Next Meeting:       Wednesday 4 June at Paul Hopwood’s house