Minutes of the Meeting held on
Wednesday 4 June 2003
Present: Les Walton, Sue Bowness, Paul Hopwood, Hugh Batchelor, Gill Keighley, Pat Wilkinson, Robert Gale, Steve Warnock
Apologies: David Crosby
Previous Minutes: These were accepted.
Matters Arising: Nigel Day of the Farnham Herald has been in touch with LW and all is in hand, cheque to follow and a car will be at the Show. Chris Shepherd has not been contacted yet re calendars. Marquee will be in use by Bean Car Club and Chris Roe to celebrate birthdays. Cheque paid in.
Finance: Reserve Account 2053.82
Current Account 571.80
Total 2625.62
Money has come in for advertisements and stalls.
Bourne Show Party 2004: GK has written to Irish Dancers re entertainment.
Bourne Show 2003: Sponsorship is good, LW has written to Inchcape Toyota re programme.
PW to ask Ray of Hope Animal Sanctuary if they would like to bring their animals as an added attraction.
Programme progressing well; cover complete, dates required for running off but still work on advertisements required. Show Sections complete. Cover on display on website. Volunteers required selling programmes at tennis court end of Green.
Dog Show entry to be 50p. Keighley family to organise.
Additional helpers required registering football.
Grand Draw prizes – Renault have donated a golf umbrella
Sculpture from Jane Mann. PW to advise
Voucher from Ellegance. SB to advise
LW to organise printing of tickets with 1000 minimum run. Tickets to be sold on 12 & 13 July – rota to be made at next meeting.
LW to check banner going up at Fox one month before and change dates on it. SW & PH & RG to put the banner up.
SW purchased Ordnance Survey grid for the Green, to scale to use for layout plan - £80 + VAT – which can be reproduced each year. Layout to be available at Information tent by Saturday am. together with a list of stall holders and allocated table numbers, as well at elsewhere on the Green. Layout discussed.
Marquee to have additional ventilation and wider entrance.
Table collection Friday evening – Bob will bring school and Show tables, Phil German will bring from Woodlarks and Scouts.
Saturday evening 14 minimum required which will be 6 from Guides and 8 St Martin’s tables, which are stored in the sheds at the Hall. PW responsible for clearing away.
Opener – The Mayor will not be available to open as she is on holiday. GK to try for Deputy Mayor.
Posters (A3 Portrait) and flyers – LW to copy and PW to print.
GK to phone Nicky Bond about Guide stall – quantities etc.
Sports to be started at 3.30 pm, new timing in programme.
DC to advise on Maypole Dancing.
SB to make a rota for Church entrance.
LW to order a banner to show where teas and Flower Arranging are. PH to purchase another gazebo to put this banner on.
SW to brief photographer.
Website: Updated regularly, address to be put on posters and flyers and programme.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 30 June at 8.00 pm at Les Walton’s house.