Minutes of the Meeting held on
Present: Les
Walton, Steve Warnock, Paul Hopwood, Gil Keighley, Hugh Batchelor, Pat
Wilkinson, Robert Gayle, David Crosby
Apologies: Susan Bowness
Previous Minutes: The Minutes from
Matters Arising: There were none.
Finance: Reserve Account 2047.71
Account 728.80
Total 2776.51
expenses have been paid such as to Sheelagh Greentree for table decorations and
the Gostrey bulbs, to hire of St Joan’s Hall, to cover party supplies and
were asked to listen out for any new information regarding proposed new
licences for public music performances.
Party 2003/4: This was a
big success, with complimentary letters passed around at the meeting and lots
of favourable comments made at the party itself. There were a few crises, so thanks to Robert
and Caroline for getting someone to play piano during the afternoon and for
persisting in getting the piano into the hall.
Thanks to Paul Hopwood for getting the Farnham Operatic Society there in
such numbers, even if there was a mix up with regards to timing. Thanks also to Carol Warnock for persuading
such a number of youngsters to help at the last minute when we were let down by
the District Commissioner for Guide help during the afternoon.
discussion it was decided to bring forward the timing for the party for 2004 by
½ hour – pick up guests from 2.00 pm onwards, party starts 2.30/3.00 pm and
finishes 5.30 pm. This is to enable
easier access in the car park and hopefully avoid cars being trapped by mass
goers arriving for the 6.00 pm service.
lighting needs to be checked at lunchtime as there were problems with our
guests seeing the cars etc. PH to bring
halogen lighting if necessary.
It was
agreed that the division of labour to organise the party in the weeks before
Christmas would be more fairly distributed.
Showshack is a profit-making organisation, it was agreed that a letter would be
sent to Pauline thanking her for the performance and enclosing 10 x £5 book
tokens for the performers themselves and a bottle of wine for her. (HB to organise tokens and wine. GK to write letter.)
A thank you
letter to be sent to The Farnham Operatic Society apologising for the mix up in
timing and enclosing a donation of £50 in appreciation. GK
Thank you
letter to be sent to Christopher Lilywhite, together with a cheque for £25.GK
Date of
next party to be Saturday 10 January 2004.
GK to book hall.
Thank you
letters to be sent to Alan Hunt, Peter Greenyer, Sheelagh Greentree and Carol
Warnock. GK and LW
Letter of thanks and
donation of £20 to be sent to the Gostrey Club for the use of the minibus.LW
Possible entertainment
for 2004 –
Dancers GK top check records
Vivaldi Singers
Choir – Acusticks
New Bingo cards to be
found with larger numbers.
Show 2003: Marquee
booked (£880) and Band booked.
confirmation of sponsorship to date. LW
to talk to Inchcape.
DC confirmed
that St Martin’s would use the marquee on Sunday morning for a service.
ARC are
considering using the marquee for a strawberry tea on Sunday afternoon. SB
PH has been
talking to Farnham Christian Community Trust (Kenton Sparks) with regard to
them using the marquee on Saturday evening.
PH to follow up.
Bowness has been having trouble getting a judge for Section 4 (Domestic) and
asked for recommendation from the Committee.
Grand Draw
prizes are hard to find – each committee member to try to sort one out but one
person needs to be responsible for co-ordinating it all.
In an
attempt to make profit as we had with the plates in 2002, it was suggested that
framed prints of old pictures of the Bourne be made to order, or that a
calendar be produced with past photos of the Bourne. PH to check out a known website and LW to
check the Bourne Residents archives.
Date of
the next Show – Saturday 19 July 2003
Open Gardens: It was
decided that we needed a sub-group to organise this if it was going to happen.
LW to talk to Margaret Leonard to see if she is willing to co-ordinate
this. SW to be member on sub-group and
report back to committee.
Any Other business: RG to
set up a website for the Show.
LW to
email the photos of the Bourne Show to committee.
PH with
contacts at Frensham Ponds Sailing Club felt that if we helped them with tables
for their Golden Anniversary the weekend before the Show it might be possible
to get a good prize from them.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday
13 March at 8.00 pm at Gill’s house.