Minutes of the meeting held on


Thursday 4 July 2002



Present:        Les Walton, David Crosby, Hugh Batchelor, Gill Keighley, Steve Warnock, Robert Gale, Pat Wilkinson


Apologies:   Paul Hopwood


Previous Minutes:  Minutes should have been dated June not July


Matters Arising:      LW to check whether David Cresswell had filled in the insurance form for us.  LW and SW to agree final layout for the Green in order to facilitate the go-karts.  PH will be running a disco or something similar for CYI in the marquee on Saturday evening on a complimentary basis as we have already covered the cost of hiring through sponsorship.


Finance:       Total funds at time of meeting £2663.55.  More advertising money due.  PW presented an invoice for plaques for the classic car winners for last year and this year.


Party 2003:   11 January 2003 – Showshack will definitely be performing numbers from My Fair Lady.


Show 2002:  Jubilee Plate – orders for 32 + 4 committee received so far.  Plate will be on display in Newsagents with order forms before the Show.  Labels pre-printed with HB address to be given out with order forms at the Show with a cut off date for final orders of second production run.  PW offered a 25-year-old tile from Silver Jubilee in its special box as a separate raffle on the plate table at the Show.

                        Hedgehogs – The ice-cream parlour will be at the Show.

                        Red Arrows and Odiham Helicopters – GK to check with Dorcas if there was any progress.

                        Helpers and Duties – PW to produce a label and bin liner for each stall to take their own rubbish away with them.  The committee at clear up time would deal with other bins.  Alan Hunt will supervise the Scouts with the radios, 12-5.00 pm, with some reserve car parking being made available for disabled.  Mayoral car to use GK drive as last year.  A3 list of duties in information tent, along with a list of things to do on Saturday morning.

                        Grand Draw - We now have 17 prizes and after much discussion it was decided that £100 cash should be offered, as there was no outstanding prize.  Rota of people to sell tickets outside the Newsagents on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July was drawn up.

                        Banners – LW to replace numerals and display banner at reservoir site.  RG and SW to put up banner on The Fox.

                        Chairs – SW to check number of chairs required by band.

                        Refreshments Stall – GK to check quantities with Dorcas and buy with PW at Bookers, including bin bags and things for the teatime hamper.

                        Rosettes – GK has ordered these but as this was not done until too late the rosettes will not be printed as usual and we will have to make do with stock ones.

                        Football – RG to obtain orange fencing for football competition

                        Press cover – Herald are holding space for us in 12/7 issue.  LW to put something together with pictures of classic cars.  SW to provide a background on stalls attending to LW in next couple of days.


Any Other Business:         Sunday lunch to be booked at the Fox for all committee and partners.  LW to finalise.


Date of Next Meeting: This will be a short review meeting on Monday 22 July at Steve Warnock’s house at 8.00 pm.